The Language Class
On teacher’s day, the Pengetua made a very strong remarks and that is everyone must speak Malay as we are Malaysian. I have no issue with this as being Malaysian we must at least understand the Bahasa Malaysia. There is absolutely nothing wrong with English as it’s an International language. Second language such as Tamil or Chinese is definitely an advantage as it’s keeps our traditional culture alive.
Last year my son had no choice but to sit for the Chinese PMR as this has been the rule of the school in the past. This year the Pengetua took "pity" and let the students choose not to take the Chinese paper. So a lot of students opted out of it. Ok here is the conspiracy.
In the past, there were insufficient Chinese teachers and so the previous Pengetua was able to get some funds out to hire external teachers to teach the second language. As such there were additional teachers to teach the second language. Now many students have decided not to sit for the paper, the additional teachers are NO longer required. Ok here is my question – what happened to the funds that was allocated for this?
Last year my son had no choice but to sit for the Chinese PMR as this has been the rule of the school in the past. This year the Pengetua took "pity" and let the students choose not to take the Chinese paper. So a lot of students opted out of it. Ok here is the conspiracy.
In the past, there were insufficient Chinese teachers and so the previous Pengetua was able to get some funds out to hire external teachers to teach the second language. As such there were additional teachers to teach the second language. Now many students have decided not to sit for the paper, the additional teachers are NO longer required. Ok here is my question – what happened to the funds that was allocated for this?
The School Beautification
When a teacher gets promoted to be a Pengetua, it's almost at the final stage of their career life. There is still one final promotion to achieve and that is the school must win the 3K competition (Kebersihan, Keceriaan dan Keselamatan) or was it the 5K's. I strongly believe that the Pengetua is all out to achieve her final promotion. Of the 3 K mention she has achieved 2 of them. This can be done as there is over RM30,000 expenses made on the school beautification. If I am NOT further mistaken, most of the Pengetua who have achieved this promotion would have build a nice fountain in the school compound (note that now the school has a lovely fountain). She would take things one step at a time so now she has a balance of 1K or was it 3 more K's to go.
As a parent I still like to know the ratinonal of the RM30K on the beautification. The school is still new and priority is to repair the school field to promote sports and not to build fountains and "pondoks" for beautification purpose.
We still want the rational on the spending on the beautification of the school.
A small correction.
In all your post I noticed that you spelled the word 'Pengtua' incorrectly.
The actual spelling for it is Pengetua. An alphabet E in between Peng and tua.
I think there are some misunderstanding here between the parents and the PIBG.
I as an ex student of SMK BUD (4) can ensure all parents that the management of the school's past and present PIBG are not like what the blog administator has described.
For all my years in the school, the management had work with all their heart with the school for the benefit of the students. Many other school's teachers envy our school because of the activeness of the PIBG.
If you track back, you would know that the PIBG before the current headmistress took helm contributed a lot the the school and students.
What I am trying to say here is that whatever that has occured in this few months are of the caused of the current headmistress. If you haven't realise, the school never had any problems before the current headmistress took helm.
I hope all parents of SMK BUD 4 will be patient as I know that the PIBG are corcerned about the matters mentioned as well. I also hope all of the parents will respect the board of PIBG as much as I do.
Just my 2 cents.
Dear Philip,
I will fully support your comment if there were some news from the PIBG.
Since the last AGM, the PIBG was suppose to organise another meeting whereby the parents were to meet the Pengetua to clarify all issues. So where is the meeting.
If the Pengetua is at fault, the PIBG should do something imstead of keeping quiet.
Your comments "If you track back, you would know that the PIBG before the current headmistress took helm contributed a lot the the school and students".
So are you implying that the Pengetua is so powerful that the new PIBG committee is powerless to do anything or is it that the PIBG have more personal things to attend to instaed of looking after the welfare of the students.
Ps: Thanks for the correcting the spelling of the Pengetua.
Go and watch V for Vendetta. Learn something from the show. As an ex student, it is disappointing to learn that the current headmistress is making things worse (as it seems) for the students; to the extend of incurring the wrath of many dissatisfied parents which prompted them to create this blog.
In reality, students can't do much in improving their situation since they're already burdened with work and assignments. Although efforts were made, some were futile; for instance the school retained its cheerleading team.
However, the recent PIBG meeting did not satisfy many people including parents who are fuming about the so-called beautification project initiated by the current headmistress.
Therefore, if the recent PIBG meeting did not make any difference, how different will the next one be? I certainly hope that answers will be provided in the next meeting so that everyone can at least understand the current situation and more importantly send the message across to the pengetua.
Unfortunately, she doesn't listen to anyone thus drastic measures should be taken to grasp her attention.
One of the solutions i can suggest is writing to the newspaper. Get the public attention and eventually the education ministry.
The second solution is signing a petition of dissatisfaction and passing it to the Education Ministry.
Good luck! if ur going to attempt it -.-
Shut up nazar. How ignorant can u be? The media needs to know the truth. Why keep it quiet?
Your statement: the student will be know as the bad student from a bad school
What nonsense! How on earth will it make us bad students? It will just emphasize the state of affairs that's been occurring. The media needs to know what has been going on. The school's integrity has dropped since her appointment. Her attitude is simply unacceptable in a school of our class. Maybe she is suitable for sekolah pondoks in Sabah but definitely not our school. She has got to go!
Nazar: who ever that does not connected to smkbud4
Care to explain what this means?
but!!! what can u people do ?? hah?? there is no other way
Many questions raised during the last PIBG AGM are still unanswered.As one who has served in the pibg committee the correct procedure practised was that any spending of the pibg funds must be tabled and approved by the committee before funds can be utilized.Of course this has to be minuted in the minutes of the pibg meetings. How can the Pibg allow such wasteful spending when the school is in dire need of upgrading eg the pathetic field which is always water-logged providing an ideal breeding ground for dengue mosquitoes. By the way i heard from reliable sources the school was fined for breeding mosquitoes!
Patience is running out we need answers and it's about time the president of the Pibg come forward to enlighten us. Mr Tony Siow, where are you??
Indeed. The current headmistress have been aiming for this since she began. Seems like she cant stand looking at an unbeautified school. In her case, it's actually partially a good idea and partially bad news. The good idea is that the school's beautification standard is below average and was seriously in need of landscaping. However she did not take care of the money well and spent nearly all the money the school had.
The 1st thing that the pengetua did wrong was no sense of planning. She did not even care about the quotation and spent much money which could have been saved. The fountain, although costs nearly 15% of the funds used alone, could very well has boosted the schools standards. However due to bad planning and no control over the money, the other 85% was spent to other beautifications. However if the pengetua were to have acted more righteously, around 10-20% could have been saved. Indeed what Phillip said was true, and yes I believe that although trying to help the school, the pengetua did not do her job properly and thus losing alot.
Believe it or not, the pengetua is the link between almost every problem we had and the school had never had so much controversy ever.
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