Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Final Message to PIBG and Pengetua.

Dear Members of the PIBG and the Pengetua,

As I have bid farewell earlier, I just wanted to post this matter to be highlighted with the PIBG so that the current scenario will not be repeated.

PIBG Constitution (from the Internet).

4. Tugas Jawatan Kuasa PIBG

  • Pengerusi hendaklah menjadi pengerusi semua mesyuarat agong dan semua mesyuarat jawatankuasa dan bertanggung jawab atas kesempurnaan perjalanan semua mesyuarat. Ia mempunyai undi pemutus dan hendaklah ia menanda tangani minit-minit mesyuarat apabila telah diluluskan. Dalam masa ketiadaannya Naib Pengerusi hendaklah memangku jawatannya.
  • Setiausaha Kehormat hendaklah menjalankan urusan persatuan menurut perlembagaannya, dan melaksanakan arahan-arahan mesyuarat agung dan mesyuarat jawatan kuasa. Ia hendaklah menyimpan minit-minit semua mesyuarat, dan menguruskan semua hal mesyuarat, dan menyimpan semua buku-buku, surat-surat dan lain-lain rekod.Ia hendaklah menyediakan laporan unutk dibentangkan, kepada mesyuarat agung dan minit-minit yang berkenaan dengannya.
  • Bendahari adalah bertanggung jawab berkenaan hal semua kewangan persatuan. Ia hendaklah membuat dan menyimpan kira-kira berkenaan semua perkara kewangan, dan bertanggung jawab diatas kebetulannya. Ia hendaklah menyediakan penyata kira-kira bagi tiap-tiap tahun, kewangan sebelum satu haribulan Febuari dan serahkan untuk diodit.



  • Persatuan hendaklah menubuhkan satu kumupulan wang ke dalam mana yang hendak dibayar semua derma atau sumbangan daripada mana-mana ahli terhadap tujuan-tujuan persatuan, dan kumpulan wang itu hendaklah diuruskan oleh persatuan secara telus.


Kuasa bagi membelanjakan wang persatuan

  • Kuasa untuk membelanjakan wang persatuan ialah Jawatan Kuasa Persatuan dengan syarat ianya digunakan untuk perkara-perkara yang berfaedah bagi menjalankan tujuan-tujuan persatuan.
  • Bendahari dibolehkan menyimpan wang runcit tidak lebih daripada $100.00 (Satu Ratus Ringgit Sahaja) pada sesuatu masa dan memasukkan semua wang yang lain ke dalam sebuah bank yang diluluskan oleh Jawatan Kuasa. Akaun bank itu HENDAKLAH di atas nama persatuan.
  • Segala cek atau kenyataan pengeluaran wang dari Akaun Persatuan hendaklah di tanda tangani bersama oleh Bendahari, Pengerusi dan Setiausaha.
  • Tahun kewangan persatuan ialah 1hb. Januari hingga 31 hb. Disember.
  • Semua urusan keewangan hendaklah di lakukan secara telus. Urusan pembelian melebihi RM500.00 hendaklah mendapat kelulusan Majlis Jawatan Kuasa PIBG terlebih dahulu sebelum pesanan pembelian di keluarkan.


Penyimpan akaun-akaun pendapatan dan Perbelanjaan Persatuan.

  • Akaun persatuan hendaklah diaudit pada tiap-tiap tahun oleh dua orang yang tidak menjadi ahi Jawatan Kuasa dan mereka hendaklah dicalun oleh ahli-ahli persatuan dalam mesyuarat agung tahunan.
  • Penyata kira-kira yang telah diaudit berserta salinan penyata akaun bank hendaklah dikemukakan untuk kelulusan mesyuarat agung tahunan yang berikutan.
  • Satu salinan penyata kira-kira yang telah di odit dan diluluskan oleh mesyuarat agung tahunan hendaklah dihantar kepada Pendaftar Sekolah, Negeri.



  • Koram bagi mesyuarat agung hendaklah tidak kurang daripada 24 orang ahli (Bilangannya mestilah tidak kurang daripada 3 kali jumlah bilangan ahli-ahli Jawatan Kuasa).
  • Koram bagi mesyuarat Jawatan Kuasa hendaklah sebanyak 2/3 bilangan ahli-ahli Jawatan Kuasa.


  • The facts remains as highlighted by a parent during the meeting and that is the spending of the funds in the beautification did not follow the procedures of the PIBG constitution that was laid out. The quorum was insufficent to decide and approve the spending.
  • As I have stated earlier, I will remove all comments from this webpage unless further issues surface.


Anonymous said...


i am a reporter from the star who is doing a story on this issue

pls call me at 012-322 8295 or email me at naentikaur@yahoo.com


i need to speak with similar minded parents but will quote them anonymously

Anonymous said...

Dear Star Reporter,

If you are a reporter, your email address wouldnt be a yahoo account. It would be XXXXX@thestar.com.my

So exactly who are you and what are you trying to dig out. Why the handphone, couldnt you just give your extension number.

Good try but wouldnt work. Our children will be in trouble if we contact you.

kaur..... that does ring a bell - a teacher from the school. Hmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

yes i did read abt a kaur teacher in your blog...

i thot u would feel more secure using a yahoo account and i really dont like to use my name in an open source for everyone to c

try calling me from a public phone or fixed line (private number) or just email me at my yahoo account and i will give you my full name and star email address for us to correspond

tks for responding

i have spoken to mr tony and msged him on his hp so i think he can vouch that there is a fenuine star reporter working on this story

Reporter from the star

Anonymous said...

you can email me at the general star education desk email too

the address is


Anonymous said...

To the star reporter,
check out this comment by a parent on the blog.

I was one of the parents that attended the recent meeting.Here are my 2 sens worth.
I agree that the pengetua has her faults and as pointed out by one of the PIBG member,the blame is on all of us,parents,pibg as well as the teachers and pengetua.If we seek to improve then all of us must be able to communicate with intention to improve.
there should be follow up action
with regards the list of griviences that was tabled at the meeting. Convene meetings, via the PIBG , with the school administration to check if action have been taken to overcome all the shortcomings.
Rememeber, when the school got started a few years back with less than 200 students, if 10% were caught smoking that means only 20 students which translates loosely to an average of 1.6 cases per month.Now with 1200 students,if 10%were caught,that means 120 studenst or an average of 10 students per month,sounds scary but in terms of percentages no change.
and just like before when police were call to settle some fighting cases,we now have more of such cases due to increase in student population.
parents need to do their part in checking on the whereabouts of their children,as once they are out of school it is beyond the resposibilty of the teachers,its the parents responsibilities.

Parents are also to check if their children are smoking,if parents don't care, how are teahers to overcome such a problem.And smoking have been a problem for donkeys years,its not a new phenomenon.

with regards to the funds used for beautification, we are beating a dead dog over and over again. But lets analyse the actual problem.
The pengetau as advisor request for funds from PIBG for the beautification project.She is new, hardly a year but that does not absolve her as ignorance is not an excuse.The president and deputy president of the PIBG have been in the same post for 7 years and should be very well versed with the PIBG constitiution as well as the priorities of the parents.
afterall, both the president and deputy president were elected even though they were not presence.
The pibg president convened a meeting without the required quarom(as pointed out by a lady at the meeting)and approved the funds for the beautification.
Now as pointed out in your posting at the very front, who is allowed to sign cheques??

Segala cek atau kenyataan pengeluaran wang dari Akaun Persatuan hendaklah di tanda tangani bersama oleh Bendahari, Pengerusi dan Setiausaha.
Tahun kewangan persatuan ialah 1hb. Januari hingga 31 hb. Disember.
Semua urusan keewangan hendaklah di lakukan secara telus. Urusan pembelian melebihi RM500.00 hendaklah mendapat kelulusan Majlis Jawatan Kuasa PIBG terlebih dahulu sebelum pesanan pembelian di keluarkan.
So if anyone should be accountable for the misused of PIBG funds it should be the PIBG!!

So parents that passed petions requesting the transfer of the pengetua , will you also please intiate a petition against the PIBG, bendahari,pengerusi and setiausaha for misused of PIBG funds!!!!
call for the continuation of the last AGM!!! we want the president of the PIBG to explain where he got the authority to approve such expenditure.
also at the 2007 agm, he promised funds coming in from the rental of the billboard.
how much funds coming in?
is there an agreement between the billboard company and the PIBG?
is the agreement approved in any pibg meeting? can we have a copy of the minutes indicating it was discussed in the pibg meeting and with the proper quorum??
can the pibg enter into such an agreement which involves the school which is under the purview of the ministry of education??
where are the monies due from the billboard company for the previous years??
the president have been aroud for7 years,so he should shed some light on this issue.

Anonymous said...

The Star reporter?What a joke!You actually think,us parents would be stupid enough to believe you?How old do you take us for.You and Tony most probably set this up.

-A Concerned Parent.

Anonymous said...

Dear Star Reporter,

I hope that the Tony you spoke to and have message him on his handphone is NOT the Tony that we are refering to.

If so, please remember that this is a school matter and Tony has NO rights to get the press involved.

Please varify who this Tony is.

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a star reporter write with such broken English, or maybe our country's standard of English has gone down the drain.

Anonymous said...

NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!Why do you have to close down this blog??You're our only hope...Our school still has many major problems.Even the teachers complain.I can't say anything now though in fear that the teacher might get in trouble...

Anonymous said...

hey, dont close the blog just yet. there are still many unsolved problems. i do not think ONE pibg meeting could have solved it all.

Anonymous said...

for crying out loud there are more things to be blame and cried about now days. not just this