Tuesday, July 22, 2008

BREAKING NEWS: - PIBG Representative wanted to call Police as a warning to Parents.

After I reported on the 1st Majlis Suaikenal whereby only 8 parents attended, I have little hope for the 2nd meeting to be better. I was expecting an attendance of less than 8 but was I wrong?

On the morning of 19th July, a handful of parents met outside the SMKBUD4 School to hand out a pamphlet to other parents who were attending the SuaiKenal that has been organized by the Pengetua. The objective of the pamphlets were to create awareness amongst concerned parents regarding the mounting issues facing the school as well as to request the Pengetua to transfer if she is unable to perform her duties for the betterment of the students. This handout of pamphlets was seen by Ms Karamjit as she was coming to the school. It seems that Ms Karamjit was way too defensive over this matter and over reacted on the situation.

As the group was walking towards the meeting room, Ms Karamjit came marching towards it and started shouting on top of her voice, saying, “call off the meeting as these parents are trying to remove the Pengetua!" A lady from PIBG came out and soften the commotion and to start the meeting as fast as possible as it’s a Saturday and parents have voiced up that they given up their time to be there.

Amazingly, this lady by name of Rose Aidura (whom I mentioned earlier before) is the CEO of the whole meeting. She is the head of discipline, welfare and safety, and kept on reiterating to all the parents that they must keep their questions to the day's agenda which she had set. Should anyone bring up items unrelated, she wanted the person/s to clear out of the room if not, should the situation arises, she will not hesitate to call the police to remove them. This was totally uncalled for – imagine a representative from PIBG threatening the parents. By the way Ms Rose Aidure – don’t forget the PIBG is the bridge between the parents and the school and NOT a tool for the school to attack the parents.

As expected the Pengetua was no where in sight and the attendance that morning were more than 30 parents (now you know why the Pengetua was missing).

My question here is this,

  1. Did any of the parents misbehaved or lost their temper that morning. Does it warrant a threat whereby Rose Aidura has to use the words “I will call the police” Could she be more civilized by saying? “I will take your matter up with the Pengetua but in the meantime let’s stick to the agenda we have in hand as we have limited time here” She was arrogant, bossy and thinks she is the Pengetua. Like one of the parents had posted, she is more of a POISON IVY rather than a rose.
  2. Why did Puan Karamjit have to shout in anger “let’s call the meeting off”? She is a teacher and a teacher should have behaved in a way whereby the parents would have respected her. She could have spoke nicely to the parents and say “let’s follow our agenda and not over react, we will take your questions up with the Pengetua separately” She would have gained more respect by this method of approach rather than running towards the meeting room and shouting like that. I am sure Ms Karamjit has a copy of the questions posted by the parents? Are those questions factual or was it fabricated? If you think it’s fabricated, then read on below:-

    The most important element that morning was missing – WHERE WAS THE PENGETUA? Isn’t she the person who set the time table to meet the parents as stated in the newsletter? SO WHERE IS SHE?

The parents will not accept any excuse this time as this meeting has been planned weeks ago and it was the Pengetua and NOT the parents who set the date. The parents took the Saturday morning off just to be able to meet and resolve issues with the Pengetua. In the end it was the Pengetua who went missing and only showed up at the very end of the meeting. As someone has posted earlier – she probably received an SMS that the meeting was about to end so she just turned up and showed her face. If she has the courage and attended the full meeting, I am sure that many of the parents would have respected her and would even support her. Instead she hid from the parents and continue to play a “cat and mouse” game. So can you blame us parents for being totally annoyed with her (Hello Ms Karamjit – who is at fault here? – Parents or the Pengetua?) Like the saying goes if you are innocent –you fear no one.

The questions posted on the pamphlets are still unanswered? This will go on and go and will never end. One cannot continue to sweep dust under the carpet because eventually someone will notice it. One cannot hide forever for the truth will hunt us down. The parents only wanted a good education for their children and the solution is to resolve the issues stated in the questionnaire. Instead they have been conned into a meeting whereby only a fix agenda was allowed thus hiding and covering the dirt that still lies below.

  • Why are the students complaining that the teachers are reading from the text books and NOT actually teaching.
  • Why are there so many free classes nowadays?
  • Are there sufficient teachers in the school?

Lastly, there are those that said that the parents fabricated all these questions to get rid of the Pengetua. Ok here is a simple question:

Why is the Pengetua afraid to face the parents? Was it fact or fabrication that she conveniently make herself unavailable during the following.

  1. Hari Bakat - which she has changed from Malam Bakat
  2. Hari Temu Mesra (this is an important day whereby parents come to get their children’s report card)
  3. All the soccer tournaments especially at the quarter finals, semi finals and even the finals.
  4. Cheerleaders' competition (both days)
  5. And her very own creation the great MAJLIS SUAIKENAL (only appearing at the last minute – we don’t fabricate, we report the truth). She attended the 1st when there were only 8 parents present but NOT the second when there were over 30 parents.

So Puan Pengetua, the Form 1 and 2 parents are scheduled on the 10th August. Will you be changing it to 2nd August (since you already met the Form 3’s) in anticipation that a lot will not turn up due to a last minute change or will stick to the original schedule where you will also disappear on the day (if the attendance is high).

Latest Incident:-
Yesterday (Monday), Puan Zubaidah who is also the Pengetua's personal escort (Note: bilik kesihatan) demonstrated her prowess in front of the whole school. Was it an act of a disciplinary move or could it be the act of a frustrated mindless uncivilized sod. Throwing students' books into a thrash bin is totally unacceptable and unbefitting of a senior teacher. Teachers who are of unsound mind and particularly those who have anger problems should immediately seek help before they become a burden to society and also endangering the lives of innocent students. No matter what the offence is, such barbaric act is unacceptable.

In summary the school has:

  • A Pengetua who avoids meeting parents and avoid confronting issues in hand.
  • Some teachers (the word is “some” and not “ALL”) that read from the text books instead of teaching.
  • A teacher who shouted on top of her voice in the presence of parents.
  • A PIBG representative who threaten parents by saying she will call the Police.
  • A senior teacher who threw student’s books into the trash bin.

I miss the old SMKBUD4.


Min Chan said...

It is very sad to see years of effort going down the drain 'coz of one narrow minded individual. So often school authorities forget that parents want to work with the teachers for the betterment of their children, the same as teachers want their charge to be the best they can be.

Anonymous said...

Even the teachers are getting brainwashed.
Either they're brainwashed or threatened. ( fired etc.etc.)

If the teachers are like this, how will they ever teach and guide the students?
Shouldn't disciplinary action be taken on the teachers instead of the students?

What more can the dumb Pengetua do?
Scolding the students then hiding from the parents?
I can laugh at them.
Proves the Malay idiom "berani kerana benar,takut kerana salah"

If this continues and action is not taken, well , all I can say is that the school will literally crumble.
Who will be the blame for that?
Definitely not the parents and students.

Anonymous said...

i doubt the parents will let SMKBUD4 crumble.

After five years of Pn Liu LingLing's hardwork, i doubt they will let that happen.

Us students, wont let that happen.

Anonymous said...

Students should learn to respect the person talking in front during assembly in the first place. Maybe the act of throwing it into the rubbish bin is unacceptable, but still, student is at fault first.

Anonymous said...

she should have just taken the books. throwing it into a rubbish bin was uncalled for.

Anonymous said...

I happen to have 2 years of experience with Pn Zubaidah.She is known for those "extreme" acts.I remember during Form 1 where she would throw student's exercise book out of the class.She flings them out like boomerangs.I say,this time it's gone out of hand.

As for Pn karamjit,I cant understand why is she doing things like that.It makes her look stupid.The Pn karamjit I know back during 2007 is well reserved and knows how to take care of her emotions.This is not her!Pn karamjit,I used to be a student of 5 Teratai(2007).If you still remember who is that outspoken boy who enjoys presentations(me),please find back your true self.Teachers are not tools of war in this political context.This should be left to the school and the parents.

Dear Pn karamjit,you used to be a great teacher in my eyes.Ever since form 1 you've taught me well.Remember 1 Raya(2003)?What have happen to you?Do your best in teaching and do not let such injustice strike you down.The pengetua is wrong,that doesnt mean you should side with her if she
's threatening you.Stand with pride.Hold your ground and be firm!Thats what you taught me.

Time has change.Schools have changed.It's not about kids going to study.It's a political and racial warzone.No voicing out.Everything is being suppressed.Including the freedom to speak the truth.Lies spread like wild fire on paper.Thats the only way to describe smk Bu4.

As for the pengetua,I hope you can sleep well at night.The blade of justice will haunt your polluted and corrupted soul day and night,until you receive your well deserved retribution.

Pn Karamjit....please come back.The real Pn Karamjit is nice,kind,responsible and well liked by students.


Anonymous said...

All schools Pengetuas should be reminded that your students are your clients.

Remember if a school has a good reputation, you will attract good clients otherwise your serious clients will be moving out and with poor registrations the school is going to the dumps.

Sadly this is the affair of some schools around PJ whenever there is a change of pengetuas.

Anonymous said...

This is unfair. Pn Zubaidah is one of the best teachers in SMKBUD 4. Many students owe their A's in BM due to her teaching. Granted her methods are a little extreme but would a teacher just simply toss books into a rubbish bin?

The reason she probably did it is due to recalcitrant students who refuse to do their homework. So maybe we should just take a look at our own students before remarking about a teacher's extreme methods. We entrust teachers to grant students and education and in light of some undisciplined students, how can we question their methods when other methods won't work.

I as a 10A student personally supports Pn Zubaidah's methods of teaching as I know for a fact that she would NEVER do things unjustly. The only reason i got an A for BM without tuition is Pn Zubaidah and you should all look into the issue before calling Pn Zubaidah barbaric.

As for being Pn Pengetua's personal escort, Pn Zubaidah was probably coerced into the duty by Pn Pengetua.

As for Pn Karamjit, she was probably right as parents have no right to distribute flyers about the bad happenings in the school. Much as I would love to have Pn Pengetua out of the school, I belive that the parents distributing flyers should in fact bring the matter up themselves as a matter of common courtesy to the Pn Pengetua. In the event that she ignores the issues, then a letter should be written to her and her superiors. Distributing flyers only brings a bad impression upon the parents doing so.

I know Pn Karamjit as an impartial teacher and know that her actions will probably be the best for her students.

Anonymous said...

everyone knows pn zubaidah is one of the best teachers in this school. However, since this pengetua came to this school, her actions have gone a little extreme. seems to me like she has taken over Pn Lee Tsock Wah's job. Anyone noticed that the people that sit beside the pengetua during assembly is pn sow and pn zubaidah? pn lee sits one seat away. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN THAT?

The form 5 students were just reading. They were not doing their homework while the pengetua was talking. And if i recall correctly, the pengetua was talking or hinting to the students about people fabricating the truth and spreading lies/rumors. Throwing the books in a rubbish was something absolutely stupid to do.

Anonymous said...

Malaysians have a series of questions in their minds recently. They are about human science, legal knowledge and some human behaviours.

How long is the valid period for DNA?
A. One day
B. One year
C. 10 years
D. forever

Why they need new DNA?
A. The old DNA has exceeded the valid period
B. The old DNA is lost
C. They do not know how to use the old DNA
D. The old DNA belongs to somebody else

What is the role of a sworn statement?
A. Those who believe will believe and those who do not believe can just forget about it
B. It depends on whether the police believe it
C. It has no role
D. It depends on whether it is the first or the second sworn statement

The consequences of making a sworn statement
A. Will be charged
B. Will be protected
C. Will disappear
D. Will have to go for a long vacation

The highest risk industry in Malaysia's
A. Politician
B. Detective
C. Blogger
D. Photojournalist

Why Anwar was arrested before the deadline?
A. Anwar intended to run away
B. The police was rushing for lunch
C. The police was rushing to treat Anwar curry rice
D. Massive traffic jams

What is the major cause of traffic jams?
A. To encourage the public to take LRT
B. To encourage consumption as Petronas's profit surged
C. To prove that imported cars are as slow as local-made cars during traffic jams
D. To prove that the police did take action

What were the people trapped in traffic jams thinking?
A. Dare not to drive next time
B. Understand the police's hard work
C. Join demonstrations
D. Hope that the general elections will be held soon

The feelings when watching the debate between Anwar and Shabery
A. Understand the reasons of increasing fuel prices
B. Finally understand why fuel oil prices should not be increased
C. Watch your mouth when you speak
D. Watch out for your saliva when you speak

The feelings after watching the debate between Anwar and Shabery
A. Very brave
B. Very pathetic
C. Goodbye, minister
D. Why didn't the government recruit Mahathir?

Who should answer when children ask what is "sodomy"?
A. Parents
B. The Police Force
C. The Attorney-General
D. The Minister of Education

If a child asks what is "sodomy", it shows that
A. He can be a policeman
B. He can be a prosecutor
C. He can join politics
D. He is destined to be a Malaysian

Anonymous said...

Well i am glad many of you students appreciate the good side of these two teachers and i hope because of your confidence and trust in them they should continue to build and develop their good qualities for the benefit of all students.
However,the greed for power and authority can sometimes do detrimental things to people. It is naive of some of you to sing high praises of them not knowing their true colours - Pn Karamjit is known in her old school to be a teacher who throws her tantrums if she doesn't get things done her way.Unfortunately transfer to smkbu4 did not change her for the better. To show of your displeasure in front of parents is a sign of poor self-restraint and lacking maturity! Anger management is a good answer to her problems.
As for the other teacher who enjoys flinging out books and dumping books into thrash bins - my only conclusion is that she hates books!
We all make mistakes and hopefully we learn from them. The teaching profession is one that comes with respect and dignity.

Anonymous said...

Hello??!! anonymous no. 4, wat exactly are u talking abt?? student's fault?? do u noe tat the 'pengetua' is always crapping around with moral values (somehow she does not have them)?? do you think we can implant moral values in students by just giving a speech?? I doubt that would happen and i stand for the students who read!! there's no mistake for that as SCHOOLS are made for us students to study!!

I can understand abt ur 'Students should learn to respect the person talking in front during assembly' but to respect the assembly when pn. pengetua is giving a speech?? Oh please.. Answer my question: wat is there left in pn. pengetua to be respected eh?? the only ridiculous answer u can give me is just that she is an elder + 'my pengetua' and tat's all!! I can tell u this, all these time i listen during assembly is to know wat exactly she has to say abt her doings. I do not give a damn for wat she says if it is not for this reason.

As a feedback to this 10 A's student, do u even noe wat is Pn Zubaidah's teaching in school?? I am not sure abt wat she gives in tuition but even IF u excelled superbly in BM, do you think BM is 'that' important?? In Malaysia, yes. but in other places, NO!! Pn. Zubaidah always have in mind that she is the 'orang yang berilmu' and always above people but hell no!! I suppose everyone noes abt wat to do to the bottles and keep quiet when she enters the class rite?? She is taken as an assassin who would slaughter u whenever u do something wrong!! i beg ur pardon, is that teaching??

As for Pn. Karamjit, i can assure that she is not a mean person as she had such perfect reputation in all the students eyes.

-the upset soul-

Anonymous said...

Well done Rose!

Anonymous said...

well done rose?

in what way? or are you being sarcastic?

i can barely accept the fact a teacher threatened to call the police. but a PARENT? Who the heck does she think she is? Someone above the other parents? she was just the organiser for the day, nothing more.

Well done? of course a job well done, Rose. You angered almost every parent that attended that meeting.

Anonymous said...

Please be more polite, how can you say that Rose angered almost every parent that attended that meeting. How rude of you. She didnt angered any parent - SHE PISSED THEM OFF.

Anonymous said...

Well anonymous no. 9 it seems that you lack the ability to even read a properly constructed sentence since i said WITHOUT tuition. She teaches BM to form 5s unless even that piece of factual evidence eludes you.

Well it seems that whatever Pn Zubaidah does is because of students like you who even lacks the discipline and common courtesy to listen to a teacher making a speech.

No matter what you may say about the Pn Pengetua, respect or no respect, she is THE pengetua and failing to respect her by liestening to her speeches is disrespecting yourself as it reflects badly on you. In our asian culture especially we are taught to respect our elders, dismissing her being an elder as merely ridiculous shows your immaturity.

Anonymous said...

i miss the old SMKBUD4 too :\

Anonymous said...


if you are from bu4, you do realize that the students only listen to the teachers if they are making sense?

example of teachers students actually pay heed to; En Siva, Pn Karamjit, Cik Adilah, Pn Zulaiha, Pn Lee, and PN LIU LINGLING. or so to speak.

You are a ex form 5 right?
Many things have changed since you left. !0 A's or no 10 A's, zubaidah has been flaunting her new found authority as the pengetua's bff around. You are no longer in SMKBUD4, so you do not know whatever that happens in our school.

As many have mentioned, throwing away the books was totally unnecessary, she should have just taken them.

Does she have any idea how filthy a rubbish bin is? Those students need to use those books to study for your information.

As an ex form 5, you should know that the PMR and SPM students usually carry their books to read during assembly. If you had been here this year and she took your book and threw it in the bin, would you have been so defensive for her?

Anonymous said...

oh for god sake fai.. u SERIOUSLY dont know how much yr EX-school has changed..

Anonymous said...

People, don't be misled. I was there and witnessed it all.

Firstly, Karamjit was very rude to raise her voice as she walked past many parents suggesting that the meeting must be called off because she claimed that parents have other agenda. In my opinion, there was no respect at all towards parents and it was a disastrous start by a teacher which defeated the purpose of "suai-kenal".

Then, came the arrogant Rose when she started the meeting by saying it was HER meeting and HER agenda (she should be left to talk to herself)! and if parents have any other agenda, they must leave the room failing which police will be called in! At first, I thought Rose conducted herself quite well until she uttered those words that actually marred her image...she had likened parents to criminals. Parents can no longer trust her representation!

The rest is history.

Anonymous said...

Proxxon money has gone into the dumb. after spending 3k for the school's television, and hardly making any noise, they managed to lost it in like.. less than 6 months. gosh. From my opinion, someone should force open the bilik kesihatan one day, and find out what on earth is going on inside there. where's the students regular teeth checkup??

Anonymous said...

So Rose said its her meeting,her agenda?Why dont the parents practise what the opposition party did and just have a massive walk out on her.That ought to put shame right in her face.Parents are the star of the day when it comes to such meetings.And the pengetua should be there.No pengetua?Just walk out on whoever thats there because we need no one other than the pengetua to explain all.If those who are running the meeting refuse to show respect to the parents,then I suggest the parents do the same to them by walking out at the same time.It shows how much the parents want logical explanations from pengetua.We dont need "representatives" to talk trash claiming that its their meeting and that the parents should restrict their agendas.Utter rubbish!Such meetings are meant to show how much progress is going on in the school.So dont make excuses pengetua.

Pn Zubaidah has certainly start to show the negative side of her.I remember in Form 5 she used to talk about the importance of BM and so on.So thats certainly true from one of the anonymous posts.But she should not have thrown the books into the rubbish bin.I remember during our trials(spm 2007) when one of my classmate placed her book on the floor,she scolded her saying that books should be respected.She then asked the girl to place the book on a table.Now?Backfiring.Throw the book in rubbish bin.She is certainly flaunting her new powers.The pengetua is like a toothless tiger who loves to show power,strike fear in teachers,create annoyance among students and suppress freedom of speech.Pn Zubaidah on the other hand is like a hairy monkey that follows that toothless tiger from behind such as to do whatever she pleases in the presence of that tiger.

This is how it is now.Only in the presence of this pengetua,Pn Zubaidah has gotten braver with her old classic tricks.


Anonymous said...

The next time some random spokesperson of the pengetua comes to enntertain you parents,practise what the oppositions did.We save our ears from listening to such trash.they cant hide the truth from parents.It is bound to bocor from all sides.

From what i know,pengetua's husband seems to be some high ranking army general.Remember the case about a chinese guy getting beat up by a gang of malay students?The case was silenced.The victim's dad is an inspector however in contrast to pengetua's husband,he is only a small fry.So the case was called off using the pengetua's husbands post in the army.

Maybe we cant do much about the damage she has caused(Hari bakat etc etc).But she is certainly after one thing,the competition for 3K(was it 3 or 5K?).We can foil her plans to do so.She seems to want a promotion to do some high postion desk job.Lets drown her in disgrace and stop her from achieving her goals of using this school like a playground of her own.

Show her that when you mess with smkbu4,you certainly wont escape from the retrubution you are bound to suffer.She might escape by transferring out anytime,however we can destroy her PATHETIC innocent image.


Anonymous said...

Let's stop debating about how good the teachers are. Facts remain is that one shouted on top of her voice at the parents and the other threw students books into the trash bin. The posting made is about their behaviour and NOT about their ability to teach. There are also a handful of teachers that read from the text books. A good leader as in this case the Pengetua would have reminded tha teachers to behave as they say "Leadership by example". Instead she closes one eye and allow all these unpleasant things happen. As for my opinion about Puan Zubaidah - she needs help before she injure someone. What happen one day if she throw something else beside a book and accidently hit a student. Can we sit back and wait for this to happen. Puan Zubaidah is psychotic

Anonymous said...

My goodness, where do you people come from? Running down people behind the anonymity of the internet is such great example for your children.

Heard of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People?

Ever heard of Think Win-Win?

This is a sure case of Lose-Lose.

You create mountains out of molehills and teachers have no time to teach our children properly; trying to put out fires you create everywhere. Who loses? We all do.

You can't succeed in changing the status-quo because you have NO CREDIBILITY!
You have no credibilty because you operate anonymously; what you say may be half truth or pure lies.

You run down the teachers and your children read this blog. How does that help their education and more importantly, their values? Don't people teach children to respect their teachers anymore? You do it incognito, what does that teach your children about self respect, self worth and courage?

Or do you legitimise your actions by saying "they started it"? Is this what we want our children to learn?

Really, where do you people come from? How did your parents raise you? Where did you go to school? Did you get an education or just a paper degree? Haven't you learnt anything at all from life, from your church, temples and mosques?

You have legitimate grievances, take in to the proper channel. Write a letter and SIGN YOUR NAME!

Do not be influenced by one or two individuals who have ulterior motives; they don't care about our children. They are using us to get what they want.

They are feeding us half truths and lies, we get worked up for nothing. Think about it! There is more that meets the eye, open your blinkers. Don't just look but see, don't just hear but listen.

Someone who cares, please take this discussion off-line, form a yahoogroups to discuss real issues and spare our children your narrow minded pettiness, vile name calling and bigotism.

Anonymous said...

As a concerned student that has been in this school since 2004 I have seen the many changes that has taken place in our school. As parents do you think that it is right for u to continue to be so verbally abusive towards the principle? She is human as well. As the principle she represents the school by that she represents the students .the things that you parents are doing makes me sick. As a seventeen year old I’m ashamed to know that these are the parents that represent the school. I shall only address one of the issues today.
I will agree with you “someone who cares” that the principle has indeed been chickening out of meetings, but what I see is a bunch of parents that are just bringing up random issues to bring the principle down. Let me tell you this for the many years that we have had talent night it has been great and loads of fun. I myself was upset about it at first. But as I took a moment to sit back and think about it a realized that it was the right thing to do. as we are all enjoying the performances other things are happening. I for one witnessed my 14year old Jr. making out with who was then her “boyfriend”. That same night I watched my 17-year-old senior being groped and rubbed by her college boyfriend. I saw my very on schoolmates younger and older standing outside the auditorium smoking and when the prefect tried to make a stand the beat him up! Tell me is this the way we want to portray our school. Lets just say this is your teenage daughter. I’m going for malam bakat oh look it finished early. Well what do I do now? Oh look my boyfriend asked me to go out and end the night with him great. Dam it’s 10.30 I should be on my way home. Ah, let me just text mom it’s going to finish later then I taught. I’ll call u when I’m done. Are u honestly going to know. Ok lets say she goes out but what is she doing. And all of a sudden 2 months later ‘I’m pregnant’. And being frustrated parents you blame the school.
‘Why did they have it at night? Why din they finish on time? Eh this why that…’ well would you like your daughter getting pregnant? Would u like your sons future to be ruined all I’m saying is that as parents this has gone on for too long I think that it’s about time you’ll stop this childish behavior that is not only effecting the teachers and parents but also the students. I’m not going to take sides here but only be realistic. When the first pengetua was in charge she said this if you don’t like the way the school is run just remove your child, and all of u listened didn’t you? She stood up to you with no fear. Well let me just say that if the current pengetua is not going to allow me. If u really feel disgusted by the way things are run pls take your kids out put them in a private school and let us the bu4 students study in peace. if u sincierly want to work with the teachers for the betterment of the students i suggest that u do so and try to work with the principle and not charge at her like humgry wolves. stop trying to get her out of the school when she has done so much good for us the students.

Anonymous said...

to my dear PATRIOTS

let me assure you that puan karamjit has not changed and is not being thretned by anyone she is still as loving and caring as ever. she is doing what she beliefs is right she is holding her ground and being firm one thing that u did get wrong however is that she does not stand with pride but with humility. pride is the ego talking and puan k does not have ego u should know. she is still nice,kind,responsible and well liked by students. because of that it is a shame that u could and would say such things when u're not here. my dear seniors being your junior i never taught once that u could turn against puan K without knowing the truth and her side of the story. i can only pray that the true light will shine your way.

Anonymous said...

Actually the smoking and all this stuff didn't stop with changing malam bakat to hari bakat, you just didn't stay back long enough. And give me 3 good things our current pengetua did for us?

Anonymous said...

oh please. Even if it was HARI bakat. There were still students smoking. I thought it would be different this yr seeing that it was in the morning. However, did anyone see the amount of students smoking outside the KBU hall?

About the groping and kissing matter. Once you are in the hall and the lights are down, it still happens. What do you expect to do next? Perform in a bright room?
It wont change anything. These are the students' choice. The pengetua had it in the morning to avoid seeing the parents. In the end, she did not even turn up.

Pn Karamjit is one of the best teachers of SMKBUD. I doubt this has mad any of the students hate her. In my opinion, i think she was just doing what she thought was right for the school.
Nevertheless, i have no such respect for this so called pengetua.

Animosity by the parents?? if i'm not mistaken, there is a petition going on somewhere. And i doubt the pengetua can do anything about this. The parents are PISSED OFF. how do you expect them to react any other way? The way some students are acting, its their choice. No one else's.

About the anonymous that made the comment about the parents running down people while remaining anonymous, what do you expect would happen if they put their identities their? They have students in this school.

One parent once made a comment about the pengetua and she had asked him/her what class his/her children was in.

There are reasons why the parents and students choose to remain anonymous. Please check your facts.

Anonymous said...

There are messages posted here by the students that support the Pengetua and the teachers. To be honest I have been in the school for the past 4 years and I truely say that the facts reported about the Pengetua is correct. Yes I personally witness Pn Zubaidah took the book and threw it in the trash bin. I was less than 2 meter away from the incident. Puan Karamjit may have overreacted abit and its understandable. I am beginning to suspect that the post made to support the Pengetua maybe written by the Pengetua herself or some one that is close to her. No one in their right and sane mind would support anyone who wants to see the destruction of the students' education in SMKBUD4.

Anonymous said...

1 thing I don't get:
If you said that we're hiding and that we're anonymous, why are you anonymous as well?
You're just being a hypocrit.

No one is perfect.
That's what I believe in.
But the Pengetua?
I'm really disgusted by how the Pengetua is.
Using the bilik kesihatan for her own use is wrong.
It is for those that are sick and unwell.
Maybe she's in there because she notices her attitude is sick? (and wrong)
Anyway, what you sow is what you reap.
Sooner or later,
her bad deeds will fireback at her.

Parents should be careful as well.
If she (Pengetua) cannot take out her anger and frustration on the parents, she will definitely do it to your child.
You can already tell from her ill attitude.

What's the meaning of "Suaikenal" if the one who started and thought of the program isn't there?
Parents should be in the limelight that day.

Giving out flyers wasn't wrong.
We all have freedom to voice out.
It's just another way of resistance.
If you say that it is wrong, well you are very narrow-minded my friend.

Anonymous said...

for all the teachers, it's really sad to know that you all doesn't behave how a teacher should behave. seems like all the teacher was afraid to voice up.

as for puan zubaidah, she can choose not to throw the book to dustbin by asking that student stop reading during assembly. some ppl started to talk something not nice behind you and the principle. be aware!

puan karamjit. you looked so nice, beautiful in front of the students. i often see your smile in your face,you are kind too. i dont know..it seems like all the teachers have been brainwash by the principle for god's sake!

puan rose! pls behave like you are a good and responsible teacher. call police is to let us have a peaceful life. but calling police for asking parents walk off from school meeting? no!

time flies, school changes alot. all of us have the right to speak right, and say out the truth.they
nowdays, i often see teacher with sad, depress mood in class. tht happenes to the teacher that used to be very nice last time. urghh..

Anonymous said...

I still respect Pn Karamjit.I still have faith in her.We all remain anonymous for one fact,if we reveal ourselves the Pengetua will hurt the kids in school.

My bro is in the school.However that doesnt mean I can post out my real name.From my surname itself,they can track back to the record books.There are moles here and there and i think it is not surprising for some to report everything from the blog to pengetua.

I have tried to find time to speak to Pn K however I juz can get her on the right time.Its good to hear that she's still ok and caring.


You don't need to know said...

Gosh, it sounds bad. I think it's time we take a stand against such tyranny. Has anyone tried contacting Tony Pua? I believe that he's quite concerned about the state of education in Malaysia and would look into the problem.

And has anyone written to the media to file a complaint? If yes, well then our silly old govt is up to its dirty tricks again.

Who is in charge of putting this ultra-extremist headmistress in place? The ministry of education.Who controls the Ministry of Eucation? The govt. I hope that the current students in SMKBUD4 will realise that the chaos in their school stems from the govt.

And now, I'd like to share my own little conspiracy theory with everyone:

Look at SMKDU, SMKBUD4 and SMKDJ. All of these school were famous and well-known for being relatively high-achieving schools both academically and in co-curricular activities.

Then, over a span of the last 2 years, all three of these schools had their headmistresses changed. And all three schools' students and parents complained about the changes these new headmistresses implemented.

"I'm here to dictate your lives, no more freedom, no more liberty"
This is the common policy executed by all three pengetuas.

Even though there were rumours that the new headmistress in SMKDJ wanted to shut down the school cheerleading team and the Christian Fellowship, THE SMKDJ students didn't get it so bad, because both student organisations were too strong to be toppled and the SMKDJ students stood their ground much earlier. Plus, the new pengetua wasn't such a hardline extremist and had more decency compared to that of the other 2 schools.

On the other hand, many senior teachers from SMKDU "retired early" after the new headmistress stepped in. Furthermore, many of the clubs requests to have activities on Saturday went utterly unheeded, showing the headmistress' stubborn and arrogant attitude. And this new headmistress also spent lots of cash beautifying the school to win the 3K competition. And she also set up Wi-fi in the school canteen eventhough laptops aren't allowed in school and built an entirely new block as a computer lab eventhough SMKDU already had one.
And one teacher "transfered out" for being to vocal. See any similarities?

And oh yeah, she's also banned BGR (Boy-Girl Relationships) in schools and insulted my religion in front of my mother's face.

Source: family member who experienced first hand the torment of a tyrant.

However, she does have her good points. SMKDU is still quite free from the massive discipline problem we witness in SMKBUD4 and things still seem to be running pretty smoothly over there. It seems the SMKDU students are already resigned to such a curse of a headmistress.

And lastly, SMKBUD4 itself. Being a new school without much of a strong self-identity and culture, I think that our school is being practically ripped apart by such an authoritarian incompetent. We do not have a strong foundation as compared to the other 2 schools who appear to be able to weather through these terrible times. As such, our school is bearing the brunt of poor decisions made by the Ministry of Education.

But are they really poor decisions? Or are they deliberate, calculated, planned moves with the intent of destroying the schools in our area?

Why would the govt want to do such a thing? Just think about what kind of people are in these schools.....

Of course, I have no absolute concrete facts to directly link all three pengetuas. It is merely drawn from the similarities which I observe among all three schools.

This is my conspiracy theory and you're all welcome to debate about it.

Anonymous said...

The problem with being anonymous is everyone get casted in a bad light. Already some teachers can expect a show cause letter as they are suspected to contribute to this blog. So people, you may have a school with new PKs and same HM next year. Sorry, you asked for it.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:43pm,

Finally, someone who can think rationally. I agree with you; there are serious issues to be solved and this blog is NOT HELPING. We cannot fight fire with fire. Fire fight with water; ying and yang, get it?

And anonymous who wrote:
1 thing I don't get:
If you said that we're hiding and that we're anonymous, why are you anonymous as well?
You're just being a hypocrit.

You really don't get it do you?
The point is there is no credibility approaching our problem this way. This blog is anonymous, the comments also anonymous. Even if I sign off my name as Tony Seo or LuiLingLing, you don't know if it's true.You cant even know if I'm the same person as fai.Or if I'm a parent or teacher or student or just a busybody.

So when you have no credibilty, even the real issues won't be taken seriously.

Can understand or not? If no, read s-l-o-w-l-y. If still cannot, what can I say? Don't know to laugh or cry.

And whoever suggested bring some politician in: DON'T
It will get messy and they just want to impress ther voters, they don't care about our children educ.
You think MOE will listen to a PR MP? They will do exactly the opposite!

"Laugh or Cry?"

Anonymous said...

i cant belive that pn karamjit acted like that... i used to think she was a person who has good self control and cares about the well being of the students... has she been brainwashed? and to puan zabedah and zubaidah i know u are reading this you better watch out as the students might just get sick of ur actions and rise up against you... remember we are watching you

Anonymous said...

I am getting very fed up reading all these issues and comments everyday. Can the Pengetua organised a meeting with the parents in the presence of the PIBG and resolved all matters. This is what the parents want and the request is not like going to the moon. Pengetua - organised a meeting and meet the parents and please turn up and dont leave it to others to speak on your behalf. Do this and dont delay anymore. Is this such a hard request.

Anonymous said...

the problem is, the pengetua refuses to see any of the parents. she will only agree if its a one-on-one situation.

The parents will only stop and calm down when she will talk to ALL OF THEM at the same time. Hiding won't help. this will get worse. and messier.

For the people who are defending the pengetua, tell me, is that you pn zubaidah?

oh wait, your english isnt as good. in fact, i've never heard you speak a word of english. True, bm is the language for our country. However, ENGLISH and MANDARIN is the language of the world. BM is only spoken in like what, less than 7 countries. its not even known in the world. So, learn some english.

There will be a petition soon. iam pretty sure the parents will organize one soon. Amd it wont be anonymously done. The longer you drag it on Pn Zabedah, the worse the situation will get.

Face the parents, and get this resolved, once and for all.

Anonymous said...

One of the my teachers actually said Pn.Karamjit is two faced and pro-pengetua.

Anonymous said...

I am a parent who is keen to meet up with the Pengetua and have an open discussion with her with other parents. Not on a One-to-One as the Pengetua has been known for not honoring her words. Instead to meet up in a group and not to be broken down to Form 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. In the 1st meeting where there were 8 parents, she showed up. In the second where there were mopre than 30 parents. She only comes in towards the end. Let's stop all this bitching of who is right and who is wrong and instead call for an official meeting with the parents. As a previous parent had said, - is it so hard to call for a meeting. Dear Pengetua stop being so arrogant and meet up with us. The school needs funds and money dont come from trees. You need the parents support - so please forget your pride and meet us. We dont bite. The only reason you dont to hold this meeting is because you have something to hide.

Anonymous said...

Yes I totally agree with "getting impatient parent said". Yes we all parents want a meeting with the Pengetua to resolve all the impending issues since our last AGM held in Feb08. We are civilised people and we don't 'bite'! Neither will we threaten to call the police. All we want is just 1 meeting with the Pengetua, Pn Zabedah.

We are not asking too much. Just 1 meeting is enough. But the Pengetua must be present from the start till the end of the meeting. We do not want any of her representatives to speak on her behalf but her representives can be present along with the Pengetua during the meeting but Pengetua has to chair the meeting. If you, Pengetua is reading this comment, please arrange for a meeting between us parents & yourself. Have this impended meeting once and for all to thrash out whatever there is & also to resolve all the impending issues. I am telling you dear Pengetua that you certainly cannot run away from this reality. As long as there's no such impending meeting, we parents will continue to 'haunt' you. If you want this blog especially created for you to stop, then call & arrange for a meeting between you and the parents of SMKBUD4. I know you are very stubborn & thick skinned & also not al all bordered by this blog! Whatever it is, just call a meeting for the betterment of the students, the school & everybody.

Why are you so shy & afraid to meet up with us, parents? As mentioned before, we are civilised people who will cause any harm. We can assured that. All we want is just a meeting which in fact is a continuation from our last AGM held in Feb08.

You know very well what we want to discuss, so just prepare for it and call for a meeting. Just that simple. Prove it to us parents that you are not a coward.

Anonymous said...

burn the whole school down only la

Anonymous said...

the school sucks now.

nothing else to say.

RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hi there!

Anonymous said...

I think the pengetua is a doraemon.

Anonymous said...

i like doraemon. so cute

Anonymous said...

i tot dere is another teacher call doraemon =.=

nvm get rid of d pengetua!

Anonymous said...

please. make the background WHITE.

Daniel said...

For crying out loud!!!

Okay, I know Zabedah is a horrible pengetua, but whats with all the insults, all the "bring down her reputation" and "destroy her" posts??? THis makes no sense.

I really don't like Zabedah either and I think she has many faults. But don't accuse blindly every single thing you hear from your friends, your children, etc.


Find the truth in the rumours, and leave out the false parts. No matter how much I hate her, I can tell she is really panicking about the constant attacks against her, some of which, though not all, are false. Because of her panic, she is driven to makeextreme, unwise, despisable decisions which we all resent.

And another thing, I know Zabedah has been quite racist since she's been here. But don't let that be an excuse for us to be racist against her too. I for one don't mind a Malay pengetua, even though I'm Chinese. In fact, I'd rather HASNI came back to be pengetua. At least she's better than Zabedah.

Please, Puan Pengetua, please just answer the parents directly. If you know/feel you are not in the wrong, there is nothing to worry about. The parents are really upset that they cannot sort things out with you in person, and if you prove them wrong and talk about what they want to hear about, they will surely listen.


And people, please give your FULL cooperation too!!!

Daniel said...

Hasni better than Zabedah is acting rite now*

constantine said...

I think it's time to let things be as it is.

Firstly, what are you all pissed about?
-hari bakat?

August is approaching and the year end is near.

So why not, make the best of the time you have in school right now (expecially form 5s) because from my observation, nothing has changed regardless of any effort.

I can understand Pn Karamjit's anger and action. Personally I believe in her and in her teachings. She's being responsible while the parents who distributed the flyers were a little bit too much i should say.

Picture this in Parliament; BN MPs giving out flyers criticising Pakatan Rakyat policies. Im sure this would piss many ppl off. Likewise the same, distributing flyers like this would make things worse in addition to the current relationship between the headmistress and the parents. If parents want to work together with the pengetua, they should place more faith and trust in her rather than criticising her every move.

She is the headmistress and she's entitled to implement anything which she may deemed beneficial for the school.

Honestly, look the current situation now. No matter how hard parents criticise her, she will hide away from them. So why not take a different approach then?

Based on facts, the headmistress won't mind seeing no less than let's say 5 parents.

Parents, why don't you all elect among yourselves these five to be representatives to the headmistress? This may work and possibly could break some ice here.

To the Form Fives, enjoy your last year and all the best for your SPM. Prove yourselves that you're not affected by the current situation.

Anonymous said...

*agrees totally with constantine.
Parents should not be trying to destabilise the situation, they should be helping the school's reputation instead of publicising the bad things to everyone including outside

Anonymous said...

instead of letting out the anger in this blog, why cant all the parents JUST DO SOMETHING!?

Anonymous said...

The form 5s actually aren't really affected by the current situation.

From what i know it is the parents of the form 4s and 3s that are butting heads with the school.

the form 5s are actually not stressing out in other words not caring really.

it is indeed our last year and we couldnt care less about childish fights.

Anonymous said...

Long story short,just get the pengetua out.She sucks.

Anonymous said...

there is going to be a meeting held on August 9th. This meeting however will to be conducted by another fellow AJK PIBG, Mr Chan.

For the school and students' sake, i hope this PIBG meeting will go well.

Anonymous said...

i myself am a former student of SMKBUD4, and honestly, it is truly disappointing to see how the school has gone from bad to worse.

i'm lucky that i was there when pn liu was still in charge, and i left when she was still in charge.

parents, this blog was a good idea, but i'm sure many of your kids go for tuition, and if you're truly worried about how your kids are going to do for the exams, why don't you just boycott the school.

send your kids to tuition, they don't go to school, they don't need to do any activities in school and make your statement that way.

you'll be worried that your kids will be doing nothing all day long sitting at home, but aren't they doing the same thing in school if you say that the students aren't learning?

Anonymous said...

By now most of you would have receive the circular calling for a meeting with the pengetua. Looks like our hardwork to pressure her has come to light and whatever doubtful issues that have clouded us for the past 7 months will hopefully be addressed.
However if parents are not in favor of revealing their children's details, i suggest we omit that section perhaps just put down the form only and no name mention.
We are all civilized and educated individuals and we would like to conduct this meeting in the best interest of everyone - no need for anger flareups or raised voices - at the end of the day we only want the truth and there must be transparency.
Whatever is the outcome we hope the school ie pengetua and 'over zealous' teachers do not go on a witch hunt to intimidate and victimize the students. We are aware some teachers are doing that already - my message to you teachers is Just stay out of this and Teach! If we hear of any of this again we will not hesitate to report you!
So REmember 9th August make yourselves available. Afterall you are the ones asking for this meeting for a fair hearing from the horses mouth.

Anonymous said...

Someone told me the pengetua herself will be attending the meeting.

@In the name of justice...

You're right... no anger flareups should be allowed... just make sure you don't too.

PIBG meetings are Parent-Teacher meetings. There must be cooperation by both parties.

the hammer said...

Wow so scary news!! PIBG rep wants to call the police!!!?? come on guys...you must have done something to get the PIBG rep to say that...otherwise why would she bother saying it??? the picture you people are trying to paint is as if the parents were all like angels and timid but the teacher and the PIBG rep (whose names you cowards printed here while you cowards conviniently remain anonymous) are potrayed as bullies.what a sham!!! Come on guys!!
if you really care enough, write down your names and your grouses and bring it up through the proper channels!!!
Are you not ashame of yourselves getting students to distribute your pamphlets trying to get signed petitions to have the Pengetua transferred.Get real!!
you think you doing a good job making all kinds of wild accusations and lies??
1.you claim the scholl padang is a breeding ground for aedes mosquitoes and therefore the Pengetua should be booted out because of this.
Well..well..guess what? the school had representatives from the Health Ministry certify that this is not the case.On the contrary it is a known fact that the BU 3 and 4 area (surrounding the school)is the worse breeding area in the whole of Malaysia, so much so the MP for this area had to initiate a "gotong royong" to clean up the place...shame on all you parents..YOU SHOULD BE KICK OUT OF BU!!!!

2.PIBG money spent on beautification of the school premises is a problem to some concern parents??? why? and why is it not a concern to most other parents who find it to be a good idea.And the students are using it.
By the way the money was from the PIBG and not from the school funds.!!

3.How come the president and vice president of the PIBG got voted in by some concern parents when both the president and vice president were not even at the AGM?? explain that !!! It is the president of the PIBG that is responsible for all PIBG expenditure and NOT the Pengetua.The pengetua is just an advisor and has no executive powers..read the PIBG constitiution!!!
and where did the PIBG got all that money?? we are still waiting for an answer from a "always not around" PIBG president...and yet these so called concern parents are asking for the Pengetua to be transferred.You should sack the PIBG president!!!!

Anonymous said...

are you some over protective teacher of the pengetua?

grow up. There will be a meeting held on the 9th of August. The reason the parents are angry about the beautification of the school was because it was funded by the PIBG.
the money was funded by THEM. do you not get it?

stop posting ridiculous comments. you, making an account just to comment on this blog proves you to be a coward as much as you say the blogger to be. And someone with no life too.

i feel that this blog has helped us parents and students to voice out our displeasure. with your immature way of typing, i doubt you are an adult.

the hammer said...

Lets see..more lies i need to get rid of...
1.Hari Bakat
whose idea was it to change from Malam Bakat to HARI BAKAT??
em em not the Pengetua..it was the MAJORITY of the parents through the PIBG. Parents who were really concerned,came personnaly to the school and explain, in a very civilised and proper way, their concerns.The school thought it was a sincere concern and since the students safety was of major concern,the Malam Bakat (literally meaning..Talent Nite)was change to Hari Bakat (literally meaning Talent Day). So whats so wrong about this change???? Majority of concerned parents want the change versus a few anonymous bloggers (cowards) just wanting to be a pain in the back!!

2.Pengetua did not attend the Hari Tetamu, Cheerleaders Competition etc etc

Who are you to dictate the Pengetua's wherabout?? I am just amazed at you guys. Imagine each and every voter asking our PM to attend meetings of the voter's choice..?? if you are intelligent enough i am sure you get my drift..

Again you cowards have got your facts all wrong.A quick glance at the PIBG bulletin will indicate it was the initiative of the PIBG. And if you bother to read you own postings, you will notice it was initiated by the PIBG sub committee
headed by Puan Rose Aida, efectively making it her initiative.

the hammer said...

looks like i have hit on someone's nerveeeesss..thats more like it..come.. come..come out from your dark murky closet and hurl punitive insults at me you squirmy little anonymous thingy..you get your facts rightfirst before using your skinny little fingers to type all the shit you be posting.If you attended the PIBG AGM, the person answering on behalf of the "always absent" President of the PIBG said, the "always absent" president of the PIBG approved the expense,since funds was forthcoming from the PIBG,the school can use its fund first,the PIBG will reimburse the school.
Strange you can find the energy to chase the Pengetua but can't find the zeal to go after" the always absent" president of the PIBG

the hammer said...

to my dear "in the name of justice"

I wonder if you have considered what is going on in the teacher's mind perhaps even the student's mind, with the kind of comments being posted here.But more interestingly have you considered why ther is a change ,if any,in attitude of all concern (teachers towards the student and the student towards the teachers,parents towards the teachers). ITS BECAUSE some cowardly PARENTS are rude towards the teachers,intimidating them,showing no respect with their overzealous actions(getting students to distribute petitions in front of the school). These few cowardly parents are they themselves the root cause of all the rot thats happening in this wonderfull school.

Now with regards the questionaire.
why so afraid to indicate the name of the students or the parents? (if you indicate the parents name surely the student can be traced,if you indicate the student's name surely the parents can be trace).Makes no difference.
And if you don't indicate either the student or the parents name,then that makes it an anonymous letter = to poison pen letter and should not be entertain.

This is a democracy,parenst are allowed to exercise their rights but in a civil and just manner.Teachers too have their rights..and most importantly the students have their rights.The majority of students are concern with the unruly behaviour of these few parents who are constantly harassing the teachers and the pengetua, so much so ,the teachers are distracted from their job.And yet these so call concern parents are accusing the teahers of non performance. Shame on you irresponsible parents!!

If,as indiacted earlier that this meeting is initiated by the PIBG..meaning by the teachers AND parent..then all the more reason parents should be transparent and not hide their identity.
What is there to be afraid of??
You giving the impression that the school is sooo repressive,that the students will be reprimanded for filling out the questionaire. But the parents are not afraid to ask the students to distribute petition (requesting the removal of the pengetua) in front of the school!! .What a contradiction!!!

If truly students are being threatened,then surely the student should be able to lodge a complaint to the school but please,please substantiate the allegattions by indicating the place, time ,the name of the teacher that is being accused and name of a few witnesses (students eye witness not phantom parents witness) and have this written in to the school with a copy to the PIBG.
Because,for the sake of the teachers welfare,false accusations by student (and especialy by anonymous parents ) should not be entertain.
So,parents, please, demonstrate you honesty and sincerity. Complete the questionaire and submit all your grouses.

Anonymous said...

hi there! how you folks doing?

Anonymous said...

Good work hammer, I have already traced your IP address. If I want I am able to post your full address. Since your so brave what are some few angry students?

Anonymous said...

Message to Adrian,

Be cautious about the HAMMER. If you read between the lines, this person is well aware of the PIBG constitution as well as the role and responsibilities of the Pengetua and the AJK PIBG. Not many people will read the PIBG constitution and I am also certain that not all teachers have read the PIBG consitution. The only way the HAMMER can quote from it is that he or she is very involved in the PIBG. I strongly believe it's a present or ex-AJK PIBG. The person role is to suck up to the Pengetua.

Anonymous said...

dear adrian,
i do not see why you ned to threaten the hammer.The poor chap is just expressing an opinion, which i think is a much needed breath of fresh air considering the lies and mischivious comments being publish in this blog by little sex starved hairy creatures claiming to be concerned parents.

Anonymous said...

People use free wi-fi at OU to blog la, all same IP address. Idiot or what?

Anonymous said...

how do you read the ip addresses?

Anonymous said...


GO BACK HOME TO YOU HOUSE,find a freaking hammer,hammer you bloody small brain until it becomes the size of the brain of a jellyfish's brain and then come back here and talk to us.You call us cowards and stuff.How about u?You think you're so big a bad,huh?!!Please!The amount of students here will erase ur existence,you THINK we're cowards,deep deep down,it's you who is the coward,you're just scared of losing ur position in the heart of the pengetua,what?If she's gone,u'll be gone too.Do us all a favor and keep ur whining and crying to yourself.Just because ur life will be hell when the pengetua leaves,it doesn't mean u need to make everyone around u suffer.You're as wrong and as dumb as it gets.So....do us a student a favor,shut up....and leave us alone!

Anonymous said...

The Pengetua seems to be sending this idiot call the Hammer inside to investigate us.....I bet it's a teacher...or someone the admin insulted...

Anonymous said...

hammer must be hammered inside so badly he/she doesnt even have no brain anymore!

must be pn rose.. or someone who's inlove with the pengetua..

oh hammer, have you ever heard of the word STFU?

Anonymous said...

Sto being a jackass hammer before more people HAMMER down on you..

Anonymous said...

aiyaaa..so small issue oso waan to beat people up with hammer arr?? tsk tsk tsk

Anonymous said...

Whoever is hammering the hammer, pls shut up and hear him out.

Someone Who Cares, could you please remove those angry comments? After all, we are a civilised lot, aren't we?

We should be able to hear both sides without simply getting angry and rude.

wen-han said...

HAHAHA! the hammer must be hammered. x) seriously -_-

Anonymous said...


aren't you the pot calling the kettle black? why not take the lead and share with us your true identity instead of following us, 'hiding' behind pseudonyms?

is it also necessary to resort to using harsh language to try and get your points across?!

using close to 40% or rm 40K of pibg funds to beautify our school is sheer wastage of limited financial resources! are parents wrong to ask for the real rationale for such wastage? does looking at fountains (which are potential mosquito breeding ground)inspire students to study well? what's the use of a library? are gazebos a real necessity?

talent time contests are avenues to allow students the opportunity to showcase their talents. by holding it during the daytime, does it necessarily ensure that 'unwanted activities' don't take place? why not think of more constructive ways to overcome the so-called unwanted activities than to switch from malam to hari bakat? there're many parents who've to work on saturdays, therefore, having it during the daytime minimises the chances of parents attending this hari bakat. did the school authorities think further on this matter?

talking about the pibg constitution, did the school ever distributed copies to all members? if not, how can parents make informed choices? surely, having paid the annual rm30 pibg fee warrants members getting a copy of the constitution!

to keep you updated, parents did not face all these problems in the past! why did they 'choose' to surface now?

the pengetua is equivalent to a ceo of a company/school, right? she is also the penasihat to the pibg committee, right? therefore, it is most unfortunate the committee was not fully aware of the consequences of their decision-making when proposals were put forth to them. why don't you take up firmer action to replace a 'disappearing' president of the pibg? why lash it out on us? this is a blog for parents and students to exchange their views, not a bashing arena!!!
i strongly suggest that should you wish others to see your points (if any), please refrain from lambasting other users. by doing so, you're no different from the others!

you call yourself the hammer, where are your nails?!

disgusted parent

Anonymous said...

disgusted parent, using the gazebos are actually coming quite handy lately, seeing that, if i am not mistaken, the students are not allowed to bring textbooks into the library.

as a parent, i find that to be completely absurd.

Anonymous said...


since there are many complaints that gazebos don't serve it's actual purpose, the school teachers have 'prevented' students from bringing in their own books to revise in the library, thereby, forcing students to use the gazebos! honestly, with the hot weather in recent weeks, aren't students subjected to studying in 'man-size microwave ovens'? think about it. what's the original purpose of installing air-cond. in the library, to provide a condusive environment for students to revise. in fact, the school authorities, if they're really looking into the welfare of the students, would put in discussion rooms in the library, to facilitate discussions, etc..

the school is now tryin its best to ensure that the gazebos don't turn out to be white elephants! there are many more innovative ways to create condusive environments for students to study wihtout costing an arm and a leg in the process, if effective planning and thinking skills were applied!

disgusted parent

Anonymous said...

like the the joker says :why so serious? =).. anyways...... WOOHOOO! thats the way zubaidah! strike fear into all those kids, make them fear u, like how we used to fear u. stay true to urself, your good. cut their hairs like never before. PS : no matter what others say, your haircuts are still the best, no shit. =) ZBD forever. =D

Anonymous said...

to the anonymous above.

you crazy freak. what planet are you from???

Anonymous said...

shutup. none of your business. =)

Anonymous said...

I know whom THE HAMMER is...
A female teacher, to know one is to be one. You're so arrogant to call all these people cowards just because they refuse to be known and yer you call yourself the hammer. This is just one of the clear examples of the kind of teacher whom just want to protect her 'relationship' with the principal. She's sucking up the Principal. You call urself a teacher. WHAT A SHAME!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

she is a teacher???

how the heck do you know?

Anonymous said...

parent see a school as a ' Pusat penjagaan anak-anak' while they do their own business find the prosperity...parent never know...as they thought they know...because they never be a teacher..