Monday, October 13, 2008

Message from Administrator

Dear All,

Please note that the purpose and prime objective of this website is to keep parents aware of the situation in the school and what are the shortfalls ahead of us. It is also a mean to ensure that both students and teachers welfare are protected.

I strongly suggest that visitors that have no direct contacts with the school (ex-students are an exception) to stop posting message on the website. I will delete any messages from visitors who are NOT in any way related to the school.

Please do your best to keep up the standard of the school and continuously strive to make SMKBUD4 as the best school in the state of Selangor.

Do write in to Puan Ashah and express your concerns. She is a wonderful lady and will look into our appeal. Dont be scared as we have the rights to complain if something is not good.
It's very ironic to think that:
  • We complain to the manager when the food is not good in the restaurant
  • We complain and return item we bought that is faulty
  • We compalin to the internet provider when the line is down.
  • We complain to the mechanic when our car is not repair properly.

AND when our children's education and their future is in trouble we make noise among ourselves and hope that someone will resolve the matters for us. What can be more important than our children future who is now studying in SMKBUD4.

We must not be selfish and just swept this dust under the carpet. We must act immediatley and take the necessary actions and the right thing. As they say "actions speak louder than words". Go into your email account, click Puan Ashah email address and send your complaints to her.

Best wishes to all sitting for the PMR examaination and a big thank you to those who have visited and supported the efforts to improve the education and welfare of the students at SMKBUD4.


Anonymous said...

DEAR admin, kindly do read my reply to our lovely Rantau Child. It is not my intention to slander but of course, even the politest of us fail sometimes, is it not?

Remember, WEat SMK BU4 will always be rooting for you.

Yours sincerely,

Timothy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

oolalalalalalalala o0o

Anonymous said...

to zabedah and zubaidah we at bu4 will never give up

Anonymous said...

so please stop having long speeches with hidden meanings in them. having THREE TEACHERS(zub,soh,zab) repeating almost the same speech wont change anything.

hypocrites will remain hypocrites.

Anonymous said...

Don't be FUCKING brainless please ! I fucking hate Puan Lee and i'll still support the PENGETUA in all cost. Timothy, SHUT THE FUCK UP. Don't make me come and find you.

Anonymous said...

people with no education use profanities.

by the way you talk, yes, of course, you look like the kind of person that would support the pengetua.

Anonymous said...

"Dear All,
Please note that the purpose and prime objective of this website is to keep parents aware of the situation in the school and what are the shortfalls ahead of us. It is also a mean to ensure that both students and teachers welfare are protected."

from what i see, besides updating readers, this whole blog is the lowest form of "bitching" there is.

admin, what you're doing takes guts and a sure heckload of determination, being this persistent to rid of HER. as upfront as you already are, it would be much more convincing to be on your side if only some of us knew who's behind all this. we know you're a person of calibre who can lead the whole parent-student body, so why not just step out of the shadows and show yourself? you have so many "followers", surely all will defend you at all cost.
"berani kerana benar, takut kerana salah"
aren't you doing a noble deed, protecting the welfare of students and teachers?
so what's there to be afraid of?

Anonymous said...

why not find me. i am not scared of you

Anonymous said...

there is a possibility that the blogger will get in trouble if he/she does reveal his/her identity. clearly, his/her child still studies in this school. who would take the risk?

would you?

and to the comment above me. please learn to speak like a normal person instead of an idiotic gangster wannabe who has had no form learning.

Anonymous said...

"Do write in to Puan Ashah and express your concerns. She is a wonderful lady and will look into our appeal. Dont be scared as we have the rights to complain if something is not good.
It's very ironic to think that"

you want other people to write but you just can't write it yourself. you coward! you want other children to get affected and hunted down by angry teachers while your son/daughter is protected behind your stupid anonymous blogging. i hate this kind of attitude. for someone to start this kind of nonsense blog - you really are a lousy parent, showing a bad example to your kids. your kids will grow up to be spoiled brats and needing their mommy to write blogs about their future bosses who are mean to them. my guess is - your children aren't that smart/capable anyway. because parents with smart capable kids are usually good parents who spend more time teaching them than to blog about the school anonymously.

Anonymous said...

why, hello fellow teacher!

nice to see you writing such a nice sweet comment.

Anonymous said...

i would like to clarify that im on neither sides. i will not say im trying to defend the pengetua nor will i say that the admin of this blog being anonymous is a very wise thing. yes, of course he or she is being anonymous for the better. who's? his/herself. im just saying that the admin being anonymous all this while has started raising eyebrows. let's not make assumptions that the admin's child(ren) is still studying in the school. you never know.

what im saying is. i just don't think it is sensible, you, the admin of this blog, the one who has taken his/her stand to see that the school gets rid of its pengetua,who has already so many supporters, to be i said before, if you're doing such a good deed, protecting the welfare of both students and teachers, what is there to be scared of?
so you do actually realise what you're doing now has its risks, and to clear those risks, you remain anonymous.
ironic. someone to be anonymous to say so much.
why not just sit back on that comfy chair of yours, and try observing a little more than to point out every nanomistake the pengetua has made?
the course in genting, im sure the pengetua didn't have enough power to move the date, yes?
as a student, i feel the tension among the teachers as they teach and i don't like it. you can say its a bit demoralizing.
if you want to do something. do it all the way, of course, but the right way.

and to anonymous who wants me to find you, you make me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Why the use of vulgar words here?

Dear not be intimidated by people of low level intellect such as the above.

Serving as humans of the 21st century,we shuold negotiate and speak using our mind.NOT using our heart and acting uncivillised.

I am an ex-student(year 07) who has a brother in the school.Im glad to hear that Pn Lee is still around.Some people are still defending the honour of this school.Thats good I guess..

To the few anonymous up there,think before you speak.The head is not a tool for display on your shoulders.Remember that Zabedah was already given a chance to be forgiven.She could've set things straight.However nothing much changed.Judging by this we can already conclude that she remains brave on her stand and still IS stuck up.

My loyalty to smkBud4 stays rooted in me forever.Fight on for the better of the children's future..preserve the honour of this wonderful school. =)


Timothy said...

woah.. what a cowardly snipe at me.. come find me.. you're always welcome.. by the way, how bout u start a pengetua's fan club since you're so in love with her work.. (i.e nothing) so, join her and do nothing..

Anonymous said...

youre probally too free no work so must make blog.
not every1 supports you ok.
you think ur eng damn good.
see? now you dont know who am i.
cause im being like u.
made the whole school know about this blog.
thanks to you,you 'jatuhkan imej sekolah'.
you think ur so grreat isit?

Anonymous said...

to the anonymous above. you talk like an idiot. i hope you've finished school.

and dog what? how mature of you, calling names!

Anonymous said...

to the anonymous, anonymous above,

you seriously suck lar. who are you to intrude this space where all of us have one goal.

seriously you're insane!

go start a fan club lar like what timothy said. it suits you well. that will be such a sight, "support ZABEDAH yeah! if not i'll come find you and kill you. oh wait i'll burn you down coz i'm a pyromaniac!"

i summarise my thought with a phrase,


Anonymous said...

grow up and get a brain.

Anonymous said...

look who's talking :)

Anonymous said...

To the fellow bloggers who are against the admin. Please be considerate and think properly. The main concerned now that we are having is, how to "IMPROVE THE SCHOOL" not about all the things such as, kicking pengetua out, or zubaidah or etc... Think carefully, from what has happened since the starting of this year, what have the students and teachers of SMK BUD4 has been going through. First, would be the use of Rm 30k on the beautification of the garden. I can understand that it's good to beautify the garden. However.... Any simple minded or absent minded person would think it's insane to spend that much on it?! Why... we can use this money for something else that is more useful, such as replacing broken chairs and tables of the classes, or even repairing the noisy fan in each class, so that they are able to conduct the exam peacefully. In addition, what about the celebration of the malam bakat that has been passed down since the birth of our school? I don’t get it!? Why did the current pengetua wanted to ban this activity??? Is something bad going to happen if the students perform at their best and show their talents to the world and their friends? I’ll leave it to you guys to judge! Also, there is also, the disappearing act of the plasma TV, where until now, the “Magician” was unable to make it reappear. Also, the transferring of Pn. Lee from SMK BUD(4) to another school. About this incident, I would like all of you to think properly...... Did the school wanted here to be sent off??? NO!? After the news of her leaving, all the students and teachers of SMK BUD(4) expressed their concerned about this matter. They wanted her back, and so do I. Cause I know that she’s capable of running the school to a perfect state and so do the others. Hence, for anybody who is related to the school....... I’m sure they are really concerned about all these incidents. IF these incidents are best for the school, and the pengetua can show evidence, i’m sure that all of us will be satisfied. However, until now, there aren’t any signs of satisfaction concerning our schools performance by our current pengetua. Also, the pengetua has not been showing any responsibilities as a pengetua...... It’s not I’m trying to point out all her bad points, but I’m not able to see any good points from her at all. She did not even support the students that she should love before they take their exams(SPM/ PMR). In conclusion, I would like to remind all the students and teachers of SMK BUD(4) about the saying left by our loving Pn Liu Ling Ling (AS I REMEMBER), who said that if there is a rotten part, we should throw it away, just like when a person gets cancer in one portion of the body, to save the other parts of the body, so that the person is able to live, they should sacrifice(AMPUTATE) that part for the good. To whom we should “throw away”? I have no control in it, I leave it to the majority of the school. Whom I find most fitting for the solution of this problem.
A concerned Ex-Student.....
GAMBATE SMK BUD(4)!!! I Love This School Very Much, And I Do Not Wish The School’s Reputation To Blunder. But To Become The Best School In MALAYSIA!
Thank You...

Anonymous said...

To the vulgar anonymous.
You're right. We don't have a life and that's why we do what we do because whether we like it or not, the school has become a part of us in our lives. We care for it because we witness its progress since its early age. It's still growing.

Fine, you may not agree with Pn Lee on certain things.It is safe to say that the Pengetua may have implemented or did something which is to your liking. However, we still have the right to express how we feel about the school regarding the methods and actions taken by her.

So why lambast the admin?
Have you reached the boiling point where the bitching and moaning has gotten into you? Get over it. This would continue until certain conditions are met by the Pengetua.

You're only making urself an easy target to get shot. By the way, you quoted
"see? now you dont know who am i.
cause im being like u.
You're a hypocrite. Make up your mind. Are you trying to justify being "A REAL COWARD"? Or are you antagonizing yourself and the admin at the same time?

Anonymous said...

the reason behind all theese is because maybe the admin son is just a form1 or form2 which doesnt even know much about whats happening.
dont judge a book by its cover.
you do have alot of supporters.
like for example..
you have an ex-smkbud4 student giving a comment..
she dont even know.
i call tell you honestly admin,
there are teachers which wants the pengetua to stay. why are you being such a coward?
why not step ahead and reveal yourself? as you know,every1 is supporting you..right?
pengetua DID not fail to be a pengetua.
but she fail to satisfy parents.
just because shes been abit racist at times and she cant manage eeverything the way YOU PARENTS want it to be, doesnt mean it gives you the power to make a blog and blab about the pengetua.
YES i know.
its for the sake of the students in bu4 that this blog had been created.
but just imagine..
you,as a parent,trying to talk about the pengetua?
think it this way...
why dont you go to the school and meet the pengetua? you and ur fans is calling every1 a coward.
but dear admin..
youre a coward too.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,
You said that the admin's son/ daughter is form 1 or form 2 and have no idea what is going on. However, i myself know how he feels, not because my siblings are form 1 or 2, and they are unable to give a proper explanation or so, but form 3 (If you're trying to say that he/ she is unable to give a better/ clear explanation)! You say that there are some teachers who are satisfied. WHAT ABOUT THE STUDENTS?! I do not really care about what the teachers think! For what that is most important is the students! Without the students support to the school, how can the school run in the correct direction?! Without the students, there won't even be a school?! Sure, teachers are important, however, you said some teachers feel that our current pengetua's actions are acceptable. But hell no?! Alot of the teachers have rejected her actions of transferring Pn Lee! How do you explain that? Please, i understand that you support the pengetua, but if you say that she really had improved the school in some way meaningful for the students and teachers, please explain. I've been hearing people say that she's doing her best, but i do not see any evidence in that. If any of you are trying to protest against the admin's action, please show evidence of what you say is true. Also, please act like professionals. Do not act like fools by swearing in this blog?! My eyes hurt! Also, this blog is meant for the school, if you guys swear in here, not only will the reputation of yourself be looked down upon, but the schools reputation will be in peril?! So think before you speak/ type......
I hope that all of you will speak in a much appropriate manner.
Thank You...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, how do you even know the admin's kids are form 1/2?

dont make assumptions before you have proof.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,
I would also like to add up with something, It's not that there aren't parents who wants to meet the pengetua, but she refuses to meet them. Also, another. As the pengetua, she has the responsibility to cater the parents of the children of this school, as the parents have the right to know what the school is going on, as their children are going to develop mentally and physically in this school for 5 YEARS. In addition, since she knows that there is a problem or a misunderstanding between the pengetua and the parents, it should be her responsibility to welcome the parents for a meeting, since she's the head of the school, she should understand that it's her job to resolve this as fast as possible before the school's reputation runs downhill. But up until now, i have seen only the parents who welcome the pengetua to this meeting. Also, i would like the parents to act rationally during the meeting (I can understand why Pn. Karamjit reacted in that way), although you have run your patients waiting for the pengetua's arrival. We would not want any misunderstandings to happen. Also, about the pengetua, it would seem that for every meeting, she has not been punctual at all. For 1 or 2 times i can understand. But for countless times? She's a professional, she should know better than that.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps everyone of you out there should believe in this saying - UNITY IS STRENGTH - the energy you all have channeled into this blog expressing your dissatisfaction about the pengetua should be put to better use. Please gather all your support and go together to the Jabatan Pendidikan Pelajaran daerah petaling utama - located at Wisma Glomac, Kelana jaya and express our concern and grievances about this unfit and unrepented pengetua - the person we should see is Dr.Haji Zahri bin Aziz he has replaced Pn Ashah bt Samah who got her promotion last week.
To those who have attended the meeting of 9th august where the pengetua was coerced into having a meeting with the parents to address outstanding issues - we want to appeal to your help to come forward and attest to what you have witnessed; i understand a parent managed to record the meeting and if you are kind enough to share the recording with us that will be extremely helpful. Some of the current AJks of the Pibg are working in conspiracy to protect the pengetua and they can stoop so low to deny some of the important issues discussed. We want transparency and we don't want a group of ajks to be in cahoot with the pengetua. If the JPS have given her reprieve up to november - she should repent her ways but looks like she don't give two hoots!
I am a concerned parentand many of the parents are unable to accept this rotten deal that is plaguing the school and we have made the right noise and have taken the proper way to deal with this issue - we need all of you parents to give the support.
Do the right thing - your children's future is in your hands.
Don't let this rot gets worse!

To those Ajks who have not done anything yet since the 9th august - i hope you do remember what you all are suppose to do - the feedback to all our questions and concerns raised during that meeting, or have you all conveniently forgotten and perhaps it was not recorded in the minutes of the meeting so there's no need to do anything??

Anonymous said...

teachers that want the pengetua to stay? its pretty obvious its only pn karamjit, pn aini and pn zubaidah. look at them. they are like bbbfff. whether or not the pengetua leave, she needs to give an explanation to the parents and students. what did she do as a pengetua? ask urself those that go againts the admin of the blog. she did nothing except for the fountain. please be more civilized. even you don't agree with the admin, u need not posting foul words all over. it just show how dumb and how rude you are, with no respect and no brain, just like the pengetua. now i see why you support the pengetua. =) good job.

Anonymous said...

to the anoy...
even you don't agree with the admin, u need not posting foul words all over. it just show how dumb and how rude you are, with no respect and no brain, just like the pengetua. now i see why you support the pengetua. =) good job.

thats what you said.
youre saying that isnt rude? ohmy. then should i agree with that? respect to the pengetua. even if she is or not doing her not call her dumb.
ever heard of moral values?
and dont be so positive.

and dear kira..
you are a xstudent,
how much can you know?
do you know why pn.karamjit doesnt want to leave?
the story behind is very very touchful if you understand.
and no im not saying the seniors know more but at least they will hasve a wider taught of whats happening.
im not saying the admin is a jerk.
but since you guys says the pengetua doesnt act like a professional,shes not puntual.
so why cant the parents just tell it right to her face?
im not saying im right..
but i know theres teachers which wanted pn.lee to leave.
because according to some teachers, pn.lee just wanted to stay cause she is used to it her as she have the powers to control.
but i agree shes a good teacher tho.
anyways .. kindly do think twice about a student in that school which always talks about this to teachers.

Anonymous said...

and yet if you are the anony who keeps cursing, well, they should be really proud of you!

you set a great example.

what teachers tell you arent always true. Some parents hear a lot of things from teachers too. Which can be true. But do you see them cussing out?

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous ABove,

Hi. First of all, thank you for writing in an appropriate manner. Secondly,

"do you know why pn.karamjit doesnt want to leave?
the story behind is very very touchful if you understand.
and no im not saying the seniors know more but at least they will hasve a wider taught of whats happening."

I did not mention anything about her leaving? >_<

Also, bout talking to the pengetua...... Well, the parents expressed their dissatisfaction every time she's late to the meeting. I'm sure that she would've known.

Anonymous said...



damn, girl. your english is so sucksful.


Anonymous said...

i beg all of you to stop this MESS! seriously. stop blaming each other. stop spreading all these obscene thoughts.


form 1 boy.

Anonymous said...

dumb is not a foul word my friend. and saying dumb doesn't mean i am rude. trying saying you never ever said that word before. i doubt so. look up to the dictionary. from what i can see, i think you are a close student to pn karamjit. you obviously don't know what really happened. you are only listening to one side of the story. which was from pn karamjit. i used to quite like her, but her actions had stopped me for doing so.

you may think that i am also listening from one side. but to tell you the truth, i was there. when it happened, i was there. i am not going to post about it here. as it will affect certain people in school.

moral values? does your few years of pendidikan moral teach you about being late, running away from problems, going behind other people's back? well, if that's so, i think we should all report to the government to cancel of the subject of Pendidikan Moral.

cut the crap. just admit that those foul words are unacceptable. stop trying to cover what you've said. that is if you are the one. but i think you are.

Anonymous said...

If you can't accept the this blog, then don't visit. if you're visiting, which means you are obsessed with it. whether or not the admin show him/herself, there is no need to speak those words.

Anonymous said...

eh so how? wan join or not?

Anonymous said...

Everyone pls stfu

Anonymous said...

Sc4x..this blog is only for above 15..LOL!! u stfu..jk XD

Anonymous said...

see first la coz kinda gay la keep losing only i keep winning

Anonymous said...

im talking about ages! not winning and losing! =.=''

Anonymous said...

sry im talking about how ahh? clan disband la is it?

Anonymous said...

lol..join me la..u pangsai..i pangpui! perfect match!

Anonymous said...

dono la....coz u all noob la in the clan only i pro

Anonymous said...

lol..fine lo! i solo..

Anonymous said...

eh dat day ah playing in the GIS server damn alot hacker wei those ppl damn ass only know hack

Anonymous said...

LOL!! maybe that day was the ' luckiest ' day of ur life meeting so many hackers at once..just now i play cs..O M G! got one fucker said ' i wan to knife u ' and i was like..fuck yeah! as if he can..manatau i hs him back!! fucking sweet!!

Anonymous said...

LOL! sometimes i keep owning until ppl kick me out and thought im hacking

Anonymous said...

LOL!! that is what i call NOOB SERVER!! and only noob would enter and enjoy the feeling dying there..