Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Message to all Form 3 and Form 5 students

To all the Form 3 students. Study hard and all the best in the PMR examination. Get good results and keep up the good name of SMKBUD4. Do strive to get the maximun "A". I am sure that there would be alot of straight "A" students this year. Come back next year and repeat the same results in 2 years time ie your SPM. Please do NOT consider a transfer out as there are great and very capable teachers in SMKBUD4.

To the Form 5 students. Work hard on your SPM examination and when you leave school, do have good memories especially to all the teachers who have taught and guide you through these 5 years. Never leave the school with any bad feelings. Cherish all the good time you have at SMKBU4 and do keep in touch with your teachers should you go overseas. I am sure there will be alot of successful profesional people in the near future and they all at one time studied in SMKBU4.

To all the teachers - thank you for the patient and time with these students. Your hard work, dedication and committment in this school has been most admirable. Your efforts have been greatly appreciated by all.

To the Pengetua - sorry for asking in public but where is the minutes/report for the 9th August Meeting with the parents. It's already 2 months now and do we have to wait another 4 months before we get it.

The Administrator.


Anonymous said...

How is it possible for a civil servant with a discipline record be appointed aa a senior assisstant?

Anonymous said...

How is it possible for a civil servant with a discipline record be appointed as a senior assisstant? I apologiza for the spelling error.

Anyway,I am a teacher but not at BU4 but my daughters are schooling there. It's just funny that one of the senior assisstant of BU4 does has a discipline record and yet is appointed as the senior assisstant. I thought that if a civil servant whom has a discipline record it's really tough for that person to be promoted to the higher post or better said to the previous post that he/she has been stripped off. Can someone clear this thing up? I am not sure of the situation whether this is acceptable especially for the civil government.

Anonymous said...

is the person you talking about Zubaidah?

then its probably she has the pengetua backing her up all the way.

Anonymous said...

how irresponsible of the pengetua to be missing during exam period. leaving it all for puan lee to handle.

Anonymous said...

In our 'BolehLand' a lot of unacceptable things are made possible! We as parents should demand for an explanation to a lot of unacceptable practices which is plaguing the school and we should take the initiatives to find out by calling the Jabatan and ask the Pengarah Puan Ashah bt Samah what are the course of action.
You can reach her at 55186500. We need everyone who is concerned for the future of the children's school be proactive and DO what is necessary.

Anonymous said...

What record does she have?

Anonymous said...

I will be leaving this school whether Pengetua leaves or not.:-|

Caramel said...

This Pn Ashah - does she entertain if I speak in English?. Problem with BM lah! Will be peoactive and call her. In fact I have written to one
Puan Sharifah Khadijah Bt Syed Abdul Rahman,

Pegawai, Unit PelangganKementerian Pelayaran

Blk E8 Pusat PentadbiranKerajaan Persekutuan

62604 Putrajaya.Hope she will reply my email

Anonymous said...

Does this school have sub-science in form 4?

Anonymous said...

Put your complaints and grievances to the attention of the Pengarah Puan Ashah bt Samah's email :ashah.samah@sel.moe.gov.my you can write in english which is no problem but do expect the reply to be in Bahasa.
Our patience is running out and we have given enough time for the pengetua to make amendments but unfortunately we don't see any bit of improvement coming and it never will!
How selfish and senseless can a pengetua be to choose to go on a 2 weeks' khursus when she knows jolly well that PMR is next week?
Its a blessing that Pn Lee's transfer was rescinded and she is back to put things in order. It's bad enough not having the school head around (not that it make any difference) can you imagine how chaotic things can get without Pn Lee. Responsibility with integrity are some of the fine qualities this gutsy lady has and without doubt always putting the welfare of the students as top priority.
Perhaps those aspirants thinking they can assume the job should think again whether they have what it takes!

Anonymous said...

Am a form 3 student in bu4. and yes she's been missing like hell knows where. we are having pressure on PMR examination and she's missing ! we are all so dissapointed on how she act on us. it shows she doesnt even care about the school at all. she's just so USELESS.

Anonymous said...

i'm not trying to help the pengetua.. but hey students. don't u think that the presence of the pengetua will not help you in your exam? she is here or not, it won't make any difference. you still have to sit for the exam. get over it.

Anonymous said...

yeah, but PUAN LEE was responsible enough to be there for us.

however, i understand the pengetua's situation. the kursus was meant to avoid the parents once puan lee is gone. but seeing that puan lee has decided to stay...

well, tough luck.


Hi administrator,
Iam not parent or student of this school but I still worried.
Ini hal sekolah ke atau personal problem? Dah macam political parties punya cerita lah. semua masalah yang berbangkit kat dalam blog ni boleh dibincangkan secara bersemuka.tak perlu kutuk dan tembak pakai blog.

Macam ini dah kira tak gentleman.Satu hal lagi ini dah kira macam berdendam. Kalau administrator tak puas hati pun tak payahlah publish kat blog.Gunalah email atau buat surat secara rasmi. Kalau masih tak puas hati jugak bawak ke kementerian.

Students Form 3 dan Form 5 boleh jadi pening bukan pasal cikgu bertukar atau tidak, tetapi mereka pening kepala kerana tengok cikgu-cikgu bersikap macam budak macam dia orang jugak.

Saya cadangkan Pengetua jangan terikut-ikut rentak member kita ni.
kita jangan bercakar macam orang politik yang tak ada displin."Jadilah seperti seorang pemimpin politik yang mendengar dari rakyat tetapi tidak bertekak dengan rakyat"

Anonymous said...

Anak Rantau,

Sekiranya tak tahu apa yg berlaku, tolonglah jangan komen apa2. Perkara-perkara yang berlaku telahpun dibawa kesnya kepada KPM dan sebagainya tetapi tidak dihiraukan.

Sebab itulah blog ni wujud untuk memberikan maklumat yang betul dan tepat supaya para ibu bapa dan pelajar serta warga malaysia dapat tahu apa yang sedang berlaku di sebuah sekolah kerajaan ini. Inilah yang dikatakan dan yang dipraktiskan, demokrasi, kebebasan bersuara.

Ini bukan sahaja masalah sekolah atau yang dikatakan, personal problem, hal ini dah boleh jadi isu nasional atau national issue. Tolonglah berhati-hati semasa komen. Kami ibu-bapa dan pelajar amat menghargai usaha admin blog ini dalam membawa kpd kami perkara-perkara yg mungkin tidak akan sampai kami.

Memanglah x salah anak rantau nak komen, itulah hak kamu tetapi jgnlah juga menyakiti hati org lain. TK

Anonymous said...

Hey um. ANAK RANTAU? Ever heard of: 'jangan sibuk hal orang lain?' Politics or not, that's by personal definition. To me, its NOT. Just because our pengetua has some hot-shot husband up in the kementerian doesn't give her the right to neglect us and boss the teachers around whenever 'suka hati-nya'. Come on you faggot, even politicians have their bloggs too. What do you say about that huh? Sheesh lahh. This is OUR personal school affair and you STAY OUT.

And what's this nonsense about 'mendengar tetapi tidak bertekak?' She can be deaf for all that i care since she doesn't even LISTEN to nuts.

I'm disgusted that someone who writes about politics all day long in YOUR blog (yes i read it!) has the nerve to give this kind of feedback. You... you... useless, ulu, anak RANTAU, go back with our darling headmistress to sepilok if you LOVE her so much!

Oh and admin, DO NOT CAVE IN TO THIS PERSON. Are you going to let this one person eclipse all the support we have for you? Like this anak rantau said, "mendengar dari rakyat tetapi tidak bertekak kepada rakyat."

Ironic, isn't it??


Your forever,


Saya meminta maaf kalau ada yang terasa hati dengan komen yang saya buat tempoh hari. Saya cuma hendak menjadi seorang yang perihatin dan cuba membantu itu sahaja.

Oleh kerana masalah sekolah ini dipublishkan kedalam blog ini maka saya merasakan ia adalah untuk umum kerana ianya boleh diakses oleh sesiapa sahaja.

Satu yang perlu diingatkan, saya juga adalah ahli(member) yang berdaftar didalam blog group ini.Bermakna anda juga adalah member saya.

Kalau ini dianggap confidential oleh anda semua, saya cadangkan pihak moderator mengambil pendekatan yang lain agar apa jua yang disiar oleh anda tidak boleh lepas kepada umum.

Ini umpama laki bini yang bergaduh dan bertekak di pasar sampai menganggu public lepas itu beri amaran kat public agar jangan masuk campur.

Kalau blog ini dianggap personal oleh saudara semua, maka saya yang selayaknya mengatakan "STAY OUT" kepada pihak anda because you all not in our group.

Akan tetapi kalaulah betul ini adalah national issue bermakna ini adalah untuk kepentingan seluruh rakyat, jadi komen orang ramai ke atas anda semua, terpaksa kena telan dan jangan pula melatah.

Sekali lagi saya tegaskan, kalaulah ini dianggap personal dan just for members you orang aje, sila usahakan kaedah dan lain agar apa yang berlaku dalam 'rumahtangga' you all, public tak dengar dan tak nampak. Ok?

Satu dunia pun boleh tahu apa yang berlaku kat sekolah anda ini memalukan. Sedangkan anda semua mahu menganggap ianya tak perlu dicampuri oleh orang lain.Mana rasionalnya?

Macamanapun pada moderator dan pada yang lain saya sekali lagi memohon ampun dan maaf dengan kesilapan saya, terimakasih

Anonymous said...

Kepada anak rantau, kalau anda betul-betul baca blog ini anda akan dapat faham masalahnya. Untuk makluman anda sekolah ini sedang cuba dikuasai oleh orang yang gilakan kuasa. Apa yang saya faham PUTAR BELIT fakta telah menjadi agenda utama pengetua sekolah ini dan kroninya. Sikap yang ditunjukkannya adalah amat tidak rasional sebagai seorang penjawat awam lebih-lebih lagi beliau merupakan seorang ketua jabatan. Persoalannya, sampai bilakah DRAMA terhebat tahun ini akan berakhir?

Anonymous said...

Dahsyatnya Anak Rantau. Tak boleh chill sikit? Masih bulan raya ni......

Anonymous said...


styleforless said...

I find that the school are having classes with no teachers or teachers not bothering to classes during the coming school exam periods disturbing. Students are left to study on their own in outside libraries or at home and school doesn't seem to care or bother at all. Why are the students finding it a waste of time going to school in SMKBUD4 instead of enjoying it ?

This school teaching quality seems to have gone down alot since Puan Lee left.

Anonymous said...

Give Anak Rantau a break. He has the right to comment whether other people like it or not. As he correctly stated, this blog is published for everyone to see. Even the President of Japan can see this blog and make a comment.

I suggest the administrator to follow his advice if certain quarters visiting this blog do not wish to hear the views deemed opposite of the main theme of the blog so far : Anti Zabedah.

Make this a private blog but then again this would trouble the administrator sending out invites.

To -me-, I would say ur comment to him was kind of inappropriate. No point saying stay out when this blog is open to everyone to read and comment based on his/her rational thinking.

By doing so, can democracy flourished? Besides, what I think he mean to say in his first comment is to have a healthy discussion with the Pengetua although that would be highly impossible.

Kepada Anak Rantau, saya berharap saudara memahami situasi yang sedang berlaku dalam sekolah ini dengan membaca isi-isi blog ini. Selain itu, komen saudara amat dihargai dan saya berharap saudara, selepas membaca seluruh kontent blog ini dapat memberi komen juga. Jikalau saudara sudah membaca seluruh blog ini, komen saudara masih dihargai dan saya berharap seseorang dari SMKBUD4 dapat meyakinkan saudara dengan pendapatnya.


Timothy said...
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