Thursday, June 5, 2008

Message from the Administrator

Dear Students,

Thank you so much for writing in and expressing your frustration on the school. If the 1st Pengetua was to know of this, I am sure it will shed tears from her eyes knowing that the hard work and dedication that she has put is being slowly destroyed.

The 1st Pengetua once told a parent which I happen to overheard that she wanted to make SMKBUD4 to be the school to be envy by others. Her dreams to build the reputation of the school through the Cheerleaders, the School Choir, the Debating Team and even swimming competition (NOTE: the school does not and till NOW do not have a swimming pool) has made the school to be very well known in Selangor. The teachers simply dread the end of the year just before school reopens when scores of parents will waiting in the office trying a get a place for their children to be enrolled in the school. I doubt this will be repeated this year as now scores of parents would want to enrol their children elsewhere. The good part of this is that the Pengetua has much lesser headache.

As the days go by I can envisage the reputation of the school being slowly eroded away. I need feedback from Parents as well as the teachers there to write in and express their grievances over this Pengetua.

Never be afraid to write in as long as the objective is for the betterment of the students and the school.



Anonymous said...

What do you mean we don't have a swimming pool?

We do have one!
Right there as our school field too!

The irresponsible pengetua has created a multi-purpose field for us.
Mosquito breeding area, lake, swimming pool, and field in one.

Timothy said...

we've booed her once, we can do it again... if she says something controversial, just jeer at her..
BTW, TO administrator, do you use facebook?

Anonymous said...

yea man... u bring a rowing boat u can row all day long non stop and u can go in for a swim too

Anonymous said...

Lets drown her in there.

Anonymous said...

oh i wouldn't mind helping out.

Anonymous said...

Can someone from PIBG please enlight us whether there will be a meeting between parents and the Pengetua as promised during the last PIBG meeting. It's already June now. Please act!

Anonymous said...

Now that we got a swiming pool.....we can have a new sport that no other school can have....TRIATHLON!!!!

Anonymous said...

Come on, we, parents of SMKBUD4 are civilised people who just don't go around making noise and going against the Pengetua for spending money on beautifying the school. We have better things to do than to complain! But however far too much had been spent and the result is the school's garden looks more like a jungle!!! She should have arranged & done the beautification of the garden in stages. Or perhaps get some help from some small time landscaper. If the garden turns out to be nice, I'm sure a lot of parents and students will appreciate your great effort in doing so. But unfortunately the garden is too congested - fountain which is too big, 2 pondoks (wonder who is going to sit there under our hot and humid weather???), too many potted flowers plants especially roses which require a lot of maintance and care and rose plants do not easily flower! She should have only spent a small fraction of the funds that she had already spent on beautifying the school's garden. Then from the balance of the funds she should have spent some to 'repair' the field which is a multi purpose swimming pool now and finally the balance of the balance of funds after spending for beautifying the garden and field, she should keep the reserve for other necessities like repairing the toilets, changing rooms etc - all for the benefit of SMKBUD4 students. After all this is a school we are talking about and certainly not her house! That's why we, the parents are so frustrated to see our hard earned money which we have diligently donated and contributed to the school during our last fund raising project go to waste! I can bet now that many if not all parents of SMKBUD4 will not any more donate and contribute to any future fund raising projects especially after experiencing this nightmare of the Pengetua who simply and unnecsssarily used the school's funds and spent on unwanted projects of hers. Beautifying the school's garden must be her vision and certainly NOT the school's and the parents.

Anonymous said...

NO MORE DONATION TO THE SCHOOL PLEASE. all our hard earned money will just be wasted by her on more plants. if things should go on the way it is, both students and parents shouldnt support any more activities the school organize to show our displeasure.

Anonymous said...

i agree with all of you but we student cant do much, sad no more happiness in my beloved school

cindyching said...

Parents who have read the blog and are aware of the problems the school is facing, please come forward to meet the Pengetua as soon as possible. Kindly inform others who are unaware of the existence of this blog.

cindyching said...

I sincerely hope the chairman of PIBG, Mr Tony Siow, would be kind enough to arrange a meeting between parents and the school principal to iron out matters as further delay could affect the morale of students and teachers of SMKBU4.

Your immediate attention is greatly appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Dear parents we need your support to the proposed meeting with the pengetua and the Pibg president Mr Tony Siow as soon as possible. As those who have been following this blog,the sentiments of the students and parents are clearly stated. Let us all do something constructive before things get any worse.
Mr Tony Siow and committee, we want you to help us solve this crisis.

Anonymous said...

I tell you,Mr Tony is brain dead.If he were to see this,he would've thrown a fits.I believe he loves the school.

We cant wait for Mr Tony,it is time to act before more is done.Such as the fight after school.